Alumni Profile: Sarah Putney ’23 Speaks on Transition

By: Sarah Putney ’23
After graduating with the paper science and engineering degree from NC State in December, I entered my new role as a sales representative with Nalco Water. I was interested in this type of role because it allows me to see the entirety of the paper-making process instead of feeling siloed in one part of a paper mill, and it offers more flexibility than the traditional process engineering role. After my summer internship with Nalco, I was sold on both the company and the career opportunity.
The first few years with the company are focused on learning about the processes that are treated, in my case it is a paper mill, and the chemistry we provide. There are several week long training courses that new reps take in-person at the headquarters in Naperville, however a majority of our learning is done via online modules for ease of information distribution. Of course during this time you are also going into customer sites and getting an abundance of site specific training. Once the training is complete, the sales reps are prepared to audit processes to recommend chemical solutions that will help improve inefficiencies or pain points in the production process. The daily life of a chemical vendor can look similar to production roles in that the chemical programs already in place must be maintained, optimized, and any issues that could impact production must be dealt with quickly. The number of mills that you service can play a large part in the role. If only one mill is serviced, this role feels very similar to production in that you are going to the same place each day, working on the same applications / projects, and working with mill personnel to troubleshoot. If several mills are serviced, the role can feel less like a production role because the majority of your time is focused on audits and proposals. The PSE program has prepared me for this role by giving me technical knowledge of paper mills, and the ability to work on projects with others. Internships have prepared me by allowing me to see the information applied, different types of paper machines, and introducing me to a wide range of perspectives.

With the transition from school to first entering the workforce, I have been very impressed with the support I have received from Nalco’s local team and management to set me up for success in my new role. The biggest adjustment so far has been moving away from Raleigh and not having a large support network of friends and family nearby. I have been working on finding a community by joining a gym, taking pottery classes, attending church, and finding events nearby for the young professionals at work to hang out.
Sarah served as the recruitment intern for PSE during her last years at NC State, her work ethic, roll up the sleeves attitude and good humor was enormously helpful and we wish her continued success as she dives deeper into her new role with Nalco.