Reflecting on AGU24: A Week of Learning, Sharing, and Networking

Editor’s note: Each semester, students in the Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. program can apply for a Geospatial Analytics Travel Award that supports research travel or presentations at conferences. The following is a guest post by travel award winner Margaret Lawrimore as part of the Student Travel series.
There is nothing quite like AGU. Every year, the American Geophysical Union’s Fall meeting brings together over 25,000 students, researchers, policymakers, and media to share ideas, exchange feedback, and foster collaboration. This December, thanks to the support of NC State’s Center for Geospatial Analytics, I had the privilege of attending AGU24 in Washington, D.C.
I arrived on Sunday, took some time to settle in, and explored the massive conference center, already overflowing with attendees and excitement. With over 50 talks to choose from every 15 minutes, alongside poster sessions, online content, and hundreds of exhibitors, AGU can be overwhelming. To make the most of it, I planned ahead, identifying key sessions to attend and colleagues to meet.
Monday kicked off with a packed schedule: I attended discussions on federal responses to sea-level rise, community engagement in environmental justice research, and flood modeling. These sessions provided valuable insights and set the tone for the week ahead.
The next day, Tuesday, started bright and early with my poster presentation. The four-hour session certainly felt like a marathon, but the time passed quickly thanks to meaningful connections and thoughtful feedback. Presenting offered a great opportunity to refine my “elevator pitch”—a concise, engaging summary of my work. By the end of the session, despite my newly raspy voice, I felt confident distilling my research into clear, digestible points.
Here’s my pitch: “Zoning is a policy tool used across the United States to regulate what can be built, where. But, despite expansive use, there is little certainty in whether zoning does what it promises. Through this project, we examine how zoning influenced North Carolina’s built environment by comparing zoning regulations and historical development patterns. We found that certain zoning policies act as intended, for example, areas set aside for future development tend to experience greater development. However, other zones, such as conservation zones, may not work as effectively.”
Wednesday was another full day, filled with poster sessions, exhibitor meetings, and talks on land use modeling and science policy. Each session sparked insights for my research and facilitated new connections.
As the week came to a close, Thursday brought my final day of sessions. I attended talks on adaptive responses to climate change, inclusion in science, and producing policy-relevant research. These sessions reminded me to reflect on the impact of my work and engage in conversations with others on how to expand the reach of my research.
Although the days were busy, I set aside time each evening to network, connect with friends and family, and explore the Capital. I left AGU exhausted and excited — eager to apply all I learned to my current and future research endeavors.
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