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Student Spotlight: Cashie Naylor

Car Grand Prix France

Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management major Cashie Naylor studied abroad in Southern France and Italy, focusing on the impacts of tourism and sport in the area. During her trip, she attended the Monaco Grand Prix Historic Races, the Cannes Film Festival, kayaked in the Mediterranean and hiked in the French Alps to study cross-cultural management and how to manage social, economic and environmental impacts on a global scale. Back at NC State, Naylor is also engaged in student leadership, serving as a College of Natural Resources Ambassador, an active member of Rho Phi Lamba, the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management Honors Fraternity, the Tourism Management Association.

How did this study abroad experience impact you?

This experience impacted the way I viewed sport and tourism. It challenged me to think globally about my field of study and learn a more international perspective. It put me out of my comfort zone and pushed me to overcome many challenges, such as the language barrier and cultural differences. This experience helped me develop a passion for cultural and educational tourism, which I hope to pursue as a career.

What did you learn about yourself from this experience?

I learned that I had a passion for learning about and connecting different cultures. This experience showed me how to celebrate unique qualities of another culture, while finding ways that connect us all as humans. This experience also taught me how important it is to step out of your comfort zone. I learned that when we are uncomfortable, we experience the most growth.

Cashie Naylor in Southern France and Italy

How has this opportunity prepared you for your future career?

This experience prepared me to work with a diverse group of individuals in an international setting. It expanded my knowledge of the world and enhanced my ability to problem solve through situations.

How did this opportunity enhance your experience as a College of Natural Resources student?

This opportunity has allowed me to bring back new ideas and perspectives to my Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management classes. I have a deeper knowledge of global impacts that has allowed me to improve my contribution to projects and class discussions.

Would you recommend this experience to other students?

This opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that is easily one of my top five favorite memories. I experienced and learned so much in those three weeks, including things that can’t be taught in a traditional classroom. I can’t emphasize enough how this experience has been such an integral part of my college experience and how it will easily play a part within my future career.

Any advice to incoming students?

Try everything you can! Explore your interests and figure out where your passions and strengths align. Once you have found that, you have found the key to having a successful career.

What do you enjoy most about being a College of Natural Resources student?

I love that the College of Natural Resources has faculty and staff with a diverse background of experiences. Each professor has such a unique focus in the industry and they are always eager to learn about their students’ interests and to help them connect with professionals in the field.