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A mountain trail at Windy Hill Open Space Preserve, Portola Valley, United States - A More Diverse, Equitable Future for Natural Resources - College of Natural Resources News NC State University

Innovating for a Better Future

Our faculty are solving urgent challenges at the intersection of the environment, economy and society to ensure a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future for all.

A passion for research and mentorship led recent alumna Murry Burgess to a career in academia as an assistant professor in Mississippi State University's College of Forest Resources (@msucfr). 

“What really inspired me to become a professor is kind of the story of students that I knew who wished they had a certain type of mentor and wished they had someone who looked like them represented. I wanted to provide what that generation was lacking a little bit.” —@murryloub

🔗 Check out the link in our bio to read about Murry's journey from #NCStateCNR into higher education.

📸: Murry poses with her newly published children's book, "Sparrow Loves Birds."
🌲 Student club spotlight: National Parks Club 🌲

The National Parks Club aims to make recreation accessible to everyone in NC State’s community through general body meetings, volunteer events and camping trips. Membership is open to all @ncstate students, regardless of college or major. Upcoming general interest meetings can be found on their Instagram page, @nationalparksclub.
We’re still thinking about the unforgettable memories we made this past weekend. ❤️🥲

#Packapalooza #NCStateWWW