Myron Floyd
About Dr. Myron F. Floyd
Dr. Myron F. Floyd currently serves as Dean of the College of Natural Resources at NC State University. He first joined the college in 2005 as a professor in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. In 2010, he was appointed to serve as director of graduate programs for the department, and in 2014, he became department head.
An elected Fellow of the Academy of Leisure Sciences and the American Academy of Park and Recreation Administration, Floyd is widely recognized as a leading scholar focused on understanding race and ethnic patterns in outdoor recreation behavior. His most recent research examines how public parks and greenspaces and other features of the built environment contribute to physical activity in low-income communities of color.
He is co-author of Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure: Perspectives on Research, Theory and Practice from Human Kinetics, as well as, 95 peer-reviewed journal articles, 22 peer reviewed monographs and proceedings papers, 18 book chapters and more than 100 presentation papers and abstracts. In 2008, he was awarded the Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt Award, the highest award for research excellence from the National Recreation and Park Association.
During his tenure as head of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Floyd grew the department’s teaching, research and extension capacity by adding faculty expertise in new areas including land use and ecosystem services, conservation behavior, environmental education, diversity and environmental justice, crowdsourcing data for health research, geospatial analytics, and worksite physical activity.
Before taking on the role of department head, his research program focused almost exclusively on understanding the capacity of neighborhood parks and green space to promote physical activity and reduce health disparities. He has served as PI or co-investigator on numerous large multidisciplinary research teams funded by governmental and non-governmental organizations, including the USDA Forest Service, USDI Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA, USDOD Army Corps of Engineers, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Floyd has served in several national and state leadership roles. In February 2014, Floyd served a three-year appointment on the Forestry Research Advisory Council (FRAC) by then U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. With a council of 11 distinguished members, he advised the secretary on issues concerning forestry and natural resources. Most recently, he served on the NC Institute of Medicine’s Healthy NC 2030 Taskforce and co-chaired the Physical Environment Work Group.
Prior to coming to NC State, Floyd served on the faculty at Clemson University, Texas A&M University (College Station), and the University of Florida.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Recreation and Park Administration, a Master of Science in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management from Clemson University, and a PhD in Recreation and Resources Development with a specialization in natural resource sociology from Texas A&M University.
- Ph.D. Recreation and Resources Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
- M.S. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina
- M.S. Recreation and Park Administration, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina
Research Interests
- Physical activity and the built environment
- Health disparities
- Race/ethnicity and leisure activity preferences
- Environmental justice
- Health benefits of urban green space
Awards and Honors
- Elected Member, American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration, 2019
- Leadership for a Diverse Campus Workshop Series, NC State University Office of the Provost, 2014
- Outstanding Alumni, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Clemson University, 2014
- University of South Australia Distinguished Professor Scholarship, 2010
- Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt Award, National Recreation and Park Association, 2008
- Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, NC State University, 2007
- Ben H. Box Award for Excellence, Clemson University, 2006
- Fellow, The Academy of Leisure Sciences, Elected 2005
- Allen V. Sapora Research Award, University of Illinois, 2004
- Gamma Sigma Delta, Honor Society of Agriculture, 1989
- "We have our own cultural ways of being in nature": New perspectives on African Americans' relationships to US National Parks , JOURNAL OF LEISURE RESEARCH (2024)
- Gender, work, and tourism in the Guatemalan Highlands , (2023)
- A People's Future of Leisure Studies: Political Cultural Black Outdoors Experiences , JOURNAL OF PARK AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATION (2022)
- African Americans’ outdoor recreation involvement, leisure satisfaction, and subjective well-being , Current Psychology (2022)
- Cultivating social capital in diverse, low-income neighborhoods: The value of parks for parents with young children , LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING (2022)
- Exploring public values through Twitter data associated with urban parks pre- and post- COVID-19 , LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING (2022)
- Promoting Recreational Interests of Black Undergraduate Students Attending Historically White Institutions , RECREATIONAL SPORTS JOURNAL (2022)
- Slow violence in public parks in the US: can we escape our troubling past? , SOCIAL & CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY (2022)
- Black Philanthropy and National Parks: Giving Green to Give Black , JOURNAL OF PARK AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATION (2021)
- Gender, work, and tourism in the Guatemalan Highlands , JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM (2021)
Drs. Hipp and Floyd, graduate students Alberico and Huang, and their community partners will contribute to the following dissemination activities of PARC3 and PARC. 1. Presentations to different audiences ?????????????????? 6 min a. New/Non-traditional dissemination (e.g., webinar through Recreation Resources Services) b. Journal articles (min 2) c. Conferences / traditional outlets (e.g., National Recreation and Parks Association and The Academy of Leisure Sciences) ??????????????? Where appropriate, provide support to partner organizations to share study findings ??????????????? Participate in monthly research team meeting calls ??????????????? Participate in one PARC in-person meeting (ALC 2020 in Orlando) ??????????????? Participate in the development of PARC video ??????????????? Contribute to pursuing funding opportunities
Mounting evidence suggests that exposure to natural environments has promising human health benefits. Although research is accumulating, additional investigations involving different measures of green space and multiple health outcomes are needed. As public health, medical, and land management organizations increasingly promote contact with nature for health benefits, and prescribe nature for health, there is urgent need for more scientific evidence to guide policy and practice. This proposal requests support to conduct secondary analyses on three data sets focused on green space characteristics and population health.
In many regions of the country, policy and environmental changes have led to increased physical activity and lower obesity among children. Unfortunately, racial and ethnic and income disparities in childhood overweight and obesity remain and in some instances have widened. To reduce disparities, close examination of how policies and practices related to the built environment can intervene against childhood obesity for highest risk populations is needed. Therefore, we propose to examine patterns of park use among children from different racial and ethnic groups. Parks are widely available and affordable community resources that can increase routine physical activity among children during non-school hours (or out of school time). Although several studies show that parks and related environmental factors tend to increase the likelihood that children will be physically active, few studies include comparisons by race/ethnicity within low income communities.
Increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in the U.S. remains a significant public health concern. Being overweight or obese is associated with increased risk for diabetes, heart disease and a range of other chronic diseases. Research shows that minority and low-income populations are disproportionately affected by obesity compared to the general population. This project, ????????????????A Multi-Level Approach to Prevent Obesity: Extension and Engagement in Four North Carolina Counties???????????????, identifies several strategies to prevent obesity in four counties in North Carolina: Lee, Edgecombe, Halifax, and Northampton. By partnering with local Extension offices, health departments, parks and recreation departments, schools, and faith communities, we aim to: 1) increase opportunities for individual education around healthy eating and physical activity, drawing on research-based Extension programming such as EFNEP, SNAP-Education and Faithful Families Eating Smart and Moving More; 2) increase partnerships and supporting coalitions that are focused on increasing access to healthy foods and places to be active; 3) increase the number of organizations (faith communities and schools) and food retail establishments (corner stores and farmers?????????????????? markets) that implement healthy food standards or increase access to fresh and local foods; and 4) increase the availability of places to be active through Active Routes to School programs, shared use practices in community organizations, and standards that encourage physical activity in Afterschool setting. Through a comprehensive approach, based on the socio-ecological model, we aim to better understand the role Extension can play in preventing obesity, particularly in low-income and minority communities in North Carolina.
The scope of work under this agreement will consist of a collaborative effort to create a comprehensive evidence-based framework to guide marketing and promotion, planning for interpretive services, stewardship and partnership development, and philanthropy to engage African Americans partner organizations in support of national park units with African American themes. To assist the NPS in developing strategies for connecting to African American audiences, this task agreement will focus on four major collaborative functions: 1) social science research to investigate perceptions and meanings of national park sites and themes among selected African American partner organizations and visitor groups; 2) development and technical support of marketing and branding activities to African American partner organizations, visitor groups, and other relevant stakeholders; and 3) development of education and training curricula and programs to build capacity among African American partner organizations to collaborate with the NPS in stewardship and philanthropy in support of national park units with African American themes; and 4) evaluation of marketing, branding, and training activities.
Inefficiencies in the U.S. health care system create barriers to providing the highest quality of prevention and treatment services, particularly for vulnerable communities. What the U.S. spends for health care relative to improvements in population health highlights symptoms of a failing system. Physical activity (PA) has been identified as one of four key modifiable risk behaviors contributing to chronic diseases. Despite evidence that increased PA reduces preventable chronic diseases, health care professionals including primary care doctors may lack knowledge to effectively counsel patients on activity and program options for PA. Community parks and recreation services can play a much larger role in providing both prevention and treatment, offering an alternative and a more cost effective and efficient preventive medical approach. Park Rx programs seek to strengthen the connection between the healthcare system and parks and recreation services. In such programs, physicians and other healthcare providers prescribe to patients?????????????????? use of parks and recreation services for prevention and treatment for a range of chronic diseases. This project is a collaborative effort between NC State, two to four Federally Qualified Health Centers, and the NC Division of Public Health (NCDPH), Chronic Disease and Injury Section. We will also engage two key partners: North Carolina Parks and Recreation Association (NCRPA) and Recreation Resources Service (RRS), a state-level technical assistance program that supports public parks and recreation department in all 100 NC counties. These two organizations could potentially coordinate partnerships between parks and recreation departments in the project counties and the volunteer focus group participants. This project will develop an app that would allow FQHC staff and their patients to identify opportunities for physical activity programs and facilities in the patient's community that matches their interest, physical abilities/disabilities, and leisure skills.
This research is a collaborative effort between NC State and the NPS that will develop an inventory of historical and current RDI programs, initiatives, services, and activities designed to help NPS realize its vision and achieve its goals in the following areas: Relevancy, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity. Specifically, the inventory will describe and examine strategies, population(s) targeted, staff, funding, and other resources, external partnerships, and outcomes including whether the activity is site specific or whether it can be replicated. The goal is to design it so that it can be transferred into an online interactive format.
The purpose of this award is to collaborate with researchers from the University of California at San Diego, Johns Hopkins University, and Georgia Tech to plan a Physical Activity Research Center. The Center will conduct studies for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to identify and inform built environment policies and practices that are most important for increasing physical activity among children from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds.
The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and North Carolina State University (Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management) share the goal of bringing relevant research in parks and recreation management, planning, and practice to the parks and recreation practitioner. Because of this the NRPA and NCSU wish to collaborate and share resources and efforts where possible in order to further their common objectives and interests. This project will support NC State to produce an annual summary of research from the scientific literature related to parks and recreation management. The NRPA will published the research through avenues such as the NRPA website, social media channels and Parks and Recreation Magazine.
An increasing body of evidence indicates that public parks and trails can have a positive impact on public health. CDC's National Prevention Strategy (http://www.surgeongene, The National Physical Activity Plan (, and Healthy People 2020 all recommend increased access to places that support physical activity. Parks and trails are publically supported infrastructures that provide opportunities for physical activity, access to the outdoors, and environmental services. Yet the public health benefits of parks and trails are poorly tracked and measured. Data systems, tools, and approaches related to public parks and trails could be more explicit about public health benefits and useful for public health surveillance. The NPS is in a unique position to assist with this work because they provide technical assistance to local governments and non-profits wishing to develop parks, trails, and conservation areas. NPS staff develop technical guidance and provide a national perspective which will be critical in establishing nationally recognized metrics and surveillance systems. This work helps to directly support the NPS Healthy Parks, Healthy People agenda. Collaboration with the NPS allows CDC to meet its public health mission by developing a non-traditional partner and working with a federal agency that reaches millions of US citizens. In 2012-2013 CDC and the NPS jointly developed a checklist and workbook linking parks, trails and health. The NC State Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management will collaborate with the CDC and NPS to identify data systems, metrics, tools, and approaches which are useful for public health surveillance and support public health goals for public parks and trails through the development of specific products as identified in the technical requirements that support data systems, metrics, tools, and approaches which are useful for public health surveillance and support public health goals for public parks and trails.