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Mar 6, 2023

Severely Burned Areas Benefit Southern Appalachians Birds

The Wildlife Society News
Intense wildfires aren’t always bad—at least when it comes to the success of birds in the Appalachians, according to a study recently published by NC State researchers.

Mar 3, 2023

How To Get Stinky Bradford Pear Trees Removed From Your NC Property at a Discount or Free

Charlotte Observer
If you want to get rid of Bradford Pears on your property, there are ways to get the trees removed and replaced at little to no cost to you thanks to the NC Bradford Pear Bounty program.

Feb 24, 2023

What Smells? Bradford Pear Trees Are Blooming Early in NC — and Stinking Up the Place

The News and Observer
Kelly Oten, an NC State Extension forest health specialist, talks about the weak branches and invasive qualities that make the tree an all-around bad idea.

Feb 24, 2023

Does Warm Weather In February Mean An Early Pollen and Allergy Season? What To Know.

The News & Observer
Experiencing allergy symptoms amid this warm weather? A forest health expert gives us an explanation.

Feb 6, 2023

Examining Why Some Earthquakes Are Never Felt in the Carolinas

“A number of old fault zones here," Del Bohnenstiehl, a North Carolina State University professor of earth science, explained. "We call it plate boundary hundreds of millions of years ago. And so, there are some relic fault zones from that can get reactivated from time to time.”

Feb 6, 2023

NC State Scientists Work to Raise Awareness For A More Inclusive Outdoors

Coastwatch Currents
Field Inclusive, a nonprofit co-founded by Lauren D. Pharr and Murry Burgess, two Black Ph.D. students at North Carolina State University, strives to offer tangible and actionable improvements in issues related to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) when it comes to individuals who are targeted based on their race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity and/or religion while working in or enjoying the outdoors.

Feb 2, 2023

Forest Inventory Will Be Greatly Reduced By Climate Change
A new study led by the North Carolina State University has found that, under severe global warming scenarios, the inventory of trees used for timber in the continental United States may decline by up to 23 percent by the end of the century.

Feb 2, 2023

How CRISPR Could Help Save Crops From Devastation Caused By Pests

MIT Technology Review
“Chemicals can only travel so far before they degrade in the environment,” says Jason Delborne, a professor of science, policy, and society at North Carolina State University. “If you introduce a gene-edited organism that can move through the environment, you have the potential to change or transform environments across a huge spatial and temporal scale.”

Jan 24, 2023

No Wolves Or ‘Coywolves’ In Mississauga, Animal Experts Say

Roland Kays, research associate professor of wildlife and scientist at North Carolina State University, backs up that assessment in his findings/genetic tests that show all eastern coyotes are a mix of three species: coyote, wolf and dog.

Jan 23, 2023

Travel Dilemmas: Is It Ethical To Visit Ecologically Sensitive Environments?

NZ Herald
A recent study from researchers at North Carolina State University found that common tourist behaviour may be disturbing chinstrap penguins—whose colonies have declined by up to 77 per cent since 1971—and causing them to temporarily desert their eggs or young.