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Jan 18, 2023

Revealed: More Than 90% Of Rainforest Carbon Offsets By Biggest Provider Are Worthless, Analysis Shows

The Guardian
Erin Sills, a co-author in the international group and a professor at North Carolina State University, said the findings were “disappointing and scary”. She was one of several researchers who said urgent changes were needed to finance rainforest conservation.

Jan 17, 2023

Enjoying Nature May Lessen Need For Some Medications, Study Finds

“The analysis can reveal key associations, but we can’t say for certain whether it was the greenspace proximity or use that led to reduced use of medications,” said Lincoln Larson, an associate professor in the College of Natural Resources at North Carolina State University.

Jan 17, 2023

Riparian Buffers Aided in the Maintenance of Stream Flow in Specific Areas of North Carolina’s Developing Watershed and Climate Change

Nature World News
According to Katherine Martin, assistant professor of forestry and environmental resources at NC State, forests can filter water and slow it down to prevent floods or keep water levels up during droughts.

Jan 17, 2023

These Two Lifestyle Tweaks Might Actually Keep The Doctor (And Meds) Away

“Perhaps people who were healthier to begin with (and less likely to take prescription drugs) were more likely to get outdoors in the first place,” Lincoln Larson, an associate professor in the College of Natural Resources at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.

Jan 16, 2023

Environmental Education Programs May Be Well-Suited For Linguistically Diverse Children

News Medical
Participation in environmental education programs can motivate children across diverse language groups to act responsibly toward the environment, a recent study from North Carolina State University researchers suggests.

Jan 12, 2023

What Climate Change Means For California

The Week
"Climate change is creating the perfect conditions for larger, more intense wildfires," Robert Scheller, a professor of forestry and environmental resources at North Carolina State's College of Natural Resources, said. "We're already seeing fires that we didn't expect to see until 2080."

Jan 11, 2023

NC State Scientists Work To Raise Awareness Of Black, Disabled Field Researchers

Raleigh News & Observer
Murry Burgess and Lauren Pharr, both Ph.D. candidates at N.C. State University, started the nonprofit Field Inclusive in August to support biologists and other natural sciences researchers from marginalized communities.

Jan 11, 2023

How To Manage Water As Triangle Grows? Buffers Are No Magic Bullet, NC State Study Warns

WRAL TechWire
In areas near Raleigh projected to see heavier future development, keeping buffers of trees or other greenery around waterways could help slow rushing streams during wet conditions, and keep them flowing during dry ones.

Jan 10, 2023

New Urban Landscapes Need To Survive Climate Changes Decades Away

NC State professor Kelly Oten suggests considering incorporating species of trees that typically grow further south. "The trees we plant today may not mature for decades to come, so being able to have trees that are resilient to a warming climate is really important."

Jan 6, 2023

Blackouts Experienced During Low Temps Last Month Are Bound To Happen Again, Experts Say

The Post and Courier
One of the first things utilities will do when energy capacity is maxed out is call a neighboring company for help. This could include buying extra energy capacity from them. “But with events that are like what happened over Christmas, all of the utilities around us were in the exact same position because it was so cold,” said Jordan Kern, a NC State University professor whose research has focused on bulk electric power systems.