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May 5, 2024

Birdwatching Can Significantly Improve Students’ Mental Health
A new study highlights that actively participating in nature activities, especially birdwatching, substantially enhances mental wellness and decreases psychological distress.

May 3, 2024

Study Finds How Birdwatching Helps Students Reduce Distress, Improve Mental Health

"Birdwatching is among the most ubiquitous ways that human beings interact with wildlife globally, and college campuses provide a pocket where there's access to that activity even in more urban settings," said Nils Peterson, corresponding author of the study and a professor of forestry and environmental resources at NC State.

May 2, 2024

What is the History of Pickleball?

WFMY News 2
“The reason I love pickleball and I spent a lot of my time doing research on pickleball is because it offers so many, not only physiological, but psychological and social benefits," said NC State professor Jonathan Casper.

Apr 30, 2024

NASA Map Reveals How Much Water Earth’s Rivers Hold

Lead author of the study and doctoral student at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, Elyssa Collins, said these locations showed "fingerprints of water management."

Apr 23, 2024

The Future of Fashion: Waste is the New Cotton

NC State researchers have proposed using waste materials such as agricultural residues, recycled paper and board, and old cotton textile waste as raw materials for regenerative textile manufacturing.

Apr 23, 2024

What To Do About Your Seasonal Allergies This Spring

Co-host Jeff Tiberii talks with NC State professor Robert Bardon about tree pollen production in North Carolina.

Apr 21, 2024

Timber Companies Claim Carbon Credits For Trees They Don’t Cut Down

The Washington Post
“Maybe they’re deliberately exaggerated,” said Erin Sills, a professor of forestry and environmental resources at NC State. “But it’s also perhaps because project developers are trying to predict the future. That’s never possible.”

Apr 21, 2024

Don’t Flush Trees Down the Toilet. Use This Toilet Paper Instead

The Washington Post
Like virgin hardwoods, bamboo tends to have long fibers, which bond more easily to create a stronger sheet, according to Richard Venditti, a professor of paper science and engineering at NC State. But bamboo can be less environmentally friendly than recycled paper from the United States. Much bamboo is sourced from China, which is still fueled heavily by coal.

Apr 10, 2024

Growing A More Climate-Resilient Christmas Tree

Co-host Jeff Tiberii talks with NC State assistant professor Justin Whitehill, who runs the NC State Christmas Tree Genetics Program, about his efforts to grow trees that can be harvested sooner, hold onto carbon more efficiently, and look more like the “perfect Christmas tree”– with a goal to benefit growers, consumers and the environment.

Apr 10, 2024

Coywolf: Hybrid Eastern Coyotes Are Taking Over Parts Of North America

"There is no doubt that there is a hybrid canid living in the eastern US, and that it is the result of an amazing evolution story unfolding right underneath our noses. However, this is not a new species – at least not yet – and I don’t think we should start calling it a 'coywolf,'" said Roland Kays, a research professor at NC State.