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media mentions

Dec 14, 2018

Students Around the Globe Collect Quality, Eye-Opening Research Data on Mammals

K-12 students from around the world join together with researchers at the College of Natural Resources and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences to create eMammal, a motion-activated camera to track school-ground species.

Dec 6, 2018

War Veterans and Lawmakers Hike, Discuss Outdoor Recreation as Way to Cope with PTSD

A College of Natural Resources student and veteran brings the community and lawmakers together to climb and connect on PTSD, substance abuse issues and depression after deployments.

Nov 10, 2018

What is the Best Sport for You? Try this Healthy Sport Index

The Healthy Sport Index, developed with research by the College of Natural Resources, helps families choose the most appropriate sports for them.

Oct 12, 2018

Meet the Environmental Educator of the Year

Jenna Hartley, a doctoral student, receives the Governor’s Conservation Achievement Award for Environmental Educator of the Year, the highest natural resource honors in the state.

Jul 25, 2018

An Engineer’s Journey From Pulp and Paper To Personal Care

Jacob Vrooman received a scholarship from the Paper Science and Engineering program that led to an internship after just one semester, that changed his life.

Jul 19, 2018

A Mysterious Disease is Killing Millions of Bats. These Scientists Are Trying to Save Them.

Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology alumnus Sam Freeze is studying northern long-eared bats at Marine Corps Base Quantico to find out why some bats seem resistant to the devastating white-nose fungal disease.

Jul 17, 2018

Shad in the Classroom Boosts Recovery Effort

American shad are a schooling fish, and North Carolina is taking that literally. This spring, students across the state are raising and releasing American shad as part of the Shad in the Classroom program.

Jul 9, 2018

Can Citizen Science Reverse the Extinction of Experience?

Opportunities for people to interact with nature have declined over the past century, as most people now live in urban areas and spend much of their time indoors.

Jun 8, 2018

Are the Feds Cherry-Picking Data to Force Pipelines through Vulnerable Communities?

Critics say the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has masked the high costs of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline to communities of color.

Jun 5, 2018

Study Finds Aromatic Herbs Lead to Better Parenting in Starlings

For European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), the presence of aromatic herbs in the nest leads to some improved parenting behaviors, according to a new study.