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A photo of Devon Gaydos

Oct 1, 2015

Devon Gaydos Wins Travel Award To Attend National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center Research Workshop

Devon Gaydos (FER and CGA PhD student) was recently selected from among a pool of international applicants to attend SESYNC’s annual Socio-Environmental Synthesis Research Proposal Writing Workshop at the SESYNC research…

A chart illustrating the steps in a process for designing, or redesigning, a geospatial data management system, beginning with an initial Needs Assessment process

Sep 16, 2015

A Needs Assessment Process For Designing Geospatial Data Management Systems Within Federal Agencies

Until there is wide adoption and implementation of geospatial data management standards among federal agencies, individual agencies can benefit from innovative tools and workflows that allow them to manage and deliver…

An image of a landscape demonstrating the spread of Sudden Oak Death

Aug 31, 2015

Director’s Research Among Most Notable Papers Impacting The Science Of Ecology

As part of the Ecological Society of America‘s Centennial celebration, the organization released its top 10 lists of the most notable papers published in ESA journals. Director Ross Meentemeyer’s co-authored research…

A photo of visiting students from a Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP) workshop at the North Carolina State University Center for Geospatial Analytics

Aug 6, 2015

Duke TIP Students Learn Spatial Thinking And Problem Solving Skills At Geospatial Analytics Workshops

Approximately 45 Sixth grade participants in the Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP) recently attended workshops at the Center’s Geovisualization Lab where they learned spatial thinking and problem solving skills through interactive demonstrations…

A presenter showing an example of geospatial modeling

Jun 22, 2015

Integrating Free And Open Source Solutions Into Geospatial Science Education At NC State

While open science perspectives have been increasingly adopted in research and industry, the trend is much less reflected in university educational programs. A new open access publication by Center researchers…

A photo of Jared Berger giving a remote presentation

Jun 3, 2015

MGIST Graduates Team With Community Partner IntraHealth International To Develop Critical Spatial Decision Support Tools

Three recent graduates of the MGIST program received special invitations from community partner IntraHealth International, based in Chapel Hill, NC, to present their geospatial applications to agency representatives.  Jared Berger,…

May 18, 2015

Building Adaptive Capacities of Human Communities in Minnesota

Center Faculty Fellow Jordan W. Smith and graduate students Karly Bitsura-Meszaros and Allie McCreary are working on a participatory research project focused on building the adaptive capacity of natural resource…

A photo of Jenny Holder

May 6, 2015

MGIST Student Jenny Holder Accepted To Prestigious NASA DEVELOP National Program

MGIST student Jenny Holder has been accepted to the national NASA DEVELOP Program for their summer 2015 term. This highly competitive program fosters an interdisciplinary research environment, where applied science research…

A picture of citizen scientists collecting data to track Sudden Oak Death

May 5, 2015

Citizen Science Helps Predict Risk Of Emerging Infectious Disease

Citizen science with volunteered geographic information is playing a critical role in tracking and predicting the spread of Sudden Oak Death (SOD) disease according to new research published by Center…

A logo for the North Carolina State University Center for Geospatial Analytics Industry Experience Program

Apr 23, 2015

New “Industry Experience Program” Immerses Students In Hands-On Geospatial Traineeships While Completing Their Degrees

The Center for Geospatial Analytics is excited to announce the launch of the CGA Industry Experience Program (IEP). This new program will give graduate students the opportunity to immerse themselves…