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Oct 26, 2023

MGIST Students Accelerate Their Geospatial Careers via Hands-On Learning

Leading GIS company Esri recently spotlighted the Center's professional master's program for its partnership with over 200 organizations to create experiential learning opportunities for students.

photograph is an aerial view of a city neighborhood, with busy streets running on either side of a park. The park has many trees, and there are large apartment and office buildings in the background.

Oct 18, 2023

Greener Neighborhoods Can Protect Us – at the Cellular Level

A new study led by our researchers finds that greenspace in urban environments has a positive impact on a key genetic marker associated with exposure to stress.

Oct 3, 2023

When in Rome: Presenting at the GeoVet 2023 Conference in Italy

Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student Felipe Sanchez is developing approaches to identify the locations of livestock farms using aerial imagery and artificial intelligence, to improve disease monitoring and surveillance.

Large group of abstract people icons.

Oct 3, 2023

Citizen Science Has a Diversity Problem, Experts Say. Now What?

NC State researchers including Faculty Fellow Caren Cooper and Ph.D. student Deja Perkins want to broaden engagement in large-scale citizen science projects by providing practitioners with the knowledge, awareness and resources to support inclusion, equity and accessibility.

Oct 3, 2023

New NSF-Funded Research Will Expand Access to GRASS GIS

A new $1.5 million research project led by NC State University will support and expand the community of GRASS GIS, an open-source geospatial processing platform.

Sep 14, 2023

Presenting Urban Forest Fragmentation Research at the Ecological Society of America Meeting in Portland, OR

Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student Shannon McAvoy's research reveals how ecosystem services provided by urban trees and socioeconomic disadvantages are spatially connected.

Sep 12, 2023

Exploring New Landscapes and Discussing Landscape Models at ESA 2023

Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student Andrew Shannon is developing species-specific relationships between trees and disturbance events like drought and wildfire, to predict how forests will respond to future conditions.

Sep 8, 2023

“I Use Geospatial Analytics To…” Part VI

Curious about what our newest Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. students work on for their dissertations? Check out how they and their advisors use geospatial analytics to impact a range of fields.

people pose for a group photo outside a building

Aug 28, 2023

Center Researchers Attend GRASS GIS Community Meeting in Czech Republic

In June, five Center researchers gathered with other GRASS GIS developers and users in Prague to celebrate the open-source software's 40th anniversary. Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student Caitlin Haedrich shares her experience.

Aug 3, 2023

Jenna Abrahamson Develops Remote Sensing Methods to Predict Flooding

This summer, Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student Jenna Abrahamson interned with the Pacific Northwest National Lab's terrestrial and aquatic integration team.