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Laura Oleniacz

Aerial view of South Florida

Jun 27, 2023

New Tool Maps South Florida Fire Risk Pixel by Pixel

Center researchers designed a computer model called FireHydro to allow fire managers to map fire risk in South Florida on a day-to-day basis.

Close-up of a leaf

Mar 2, 2023

Scientists Use Satellites To Track Earth ‘Greening’ Amid Climate Change

Research led by Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student Xiaojie Gao found changes in global “greening” will play a significant role in how much carbon dioxide plants capture and store.

The invasive insect, the spotted lanternfly.

Jan 5, 2023

Tweets, News Offer Insights on Invasive Insect Spread

Twitter and online news could help scientists track the spread of invasive insects, a new study from NC State's Center for Geospatial Analytics found.

The invasive insect, the spotted lanternfly.

Jun 8, 2022

Invasive Insect that Kills Grapes Could Reach California Wine Region by 2027

An NC State study predicts the spotted lanternfly has a low probability of first reaching the grape-producing counties of California by 2027, and a high probability by 2033.

Aerial of forests in Great Smoky Mountains - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University

Mar 3, 2022

During Droughts, Thirstier Mountain Forests Could Mean Less Water Downstream

Research led by Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student Katie McQuillan finds increased water use by upstream mountain forests could leave less water for other forests, cities and wildlife during drought.

Map of the United States showing predicted average flood damage risk by state or district - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University

Feb 22, 2022

Study: U.S. Flood Damage Risk Is Underestimated

A research team led by Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student Elyssa Collins used artificial intelligence to predict where flood damage is likely to happen in the conterminous United States, suggesting that recent flood maps from the Federal Emergency Management Agency do not capture the full extent of flood risk.

3D Map - Researchers Design Simulation Tool to Predict Disease, Pest Spread - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University

Jun 3, 2021

Researchers Design Simulation Tool to Predict Disease, Pest Spread

A team led by Research Scholar Chris Jones developed a computer simulation tool called PoPS to predict pest and disease attacks on crops or forests, and to test when and where to apply pesticides or other management strategies to contain them.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University

Mar 30, 2021

Analysis: Studies of U.S. National Parks Are Trending Down, Focused on Popular Parks

An analysis led by Faculty Fellow Jelena Vukomanovic finds that research conducted in U.S. national parks has focused largely on five iconic parks, and has dropped since 2013.

Forest in Oregon damaged by fire - Ecologist: People Should Prepare for Landscapes to Change - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University

Jan 25, 2021

Ecologist: People Should Prepare for Landscapes to Change

In a new book, Faculty Fellow Rob Scheller describes how land managers and communities should expect landscape change and plan for it.


Nov 11, 2020

Noise and Light Pollution Impact Songbird Reproduction

A new study co-authored by Faculty Fellow Jelena Vukomanovic used national Nestwatch data for 142 species to reveal the impacts of noise and light pollution on nesting birds.