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Meet John Lynch

Africa Excursion

Program and Location:

African Ecology and Conservation; Various locations, Namibia

Why did you choose to study abroad? 

I chose to study abroad because I thought this was the perfect opportunity to gain more experience with my major in a very different environment than I am used to.

What did you learn about yourself?

I learned that I really enjoy stepping out of my comfort zone and pushing myself in an unfamiliar environment. This was my first time outside of the United States so I wasn’t sure of what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised at how well I could adapt.

What was one of your favorite parts of your program?

My favorite part of the program was getting so many opportunities to see wildlife. It was well designed so that we could get to see a very diverse array of animals. There were many times where we stopped what we were doing to view and talk about an animal we came across and I really enjoyed that.

What advice do you have to future study abroad students?

My advice to future study abroad students would be to keep an open mind and appreciate how fortunate you are to experience something like this. By keeping an open mind and trying new things, you can maximize what you get out of the experience. It’s also important to realize that not everyone gets the opportunity to travel abroad so you shouldn’t take any of it for granted.

Were you surprised by anything during your time abroad?

I was surprised by how connected the people of Namibia were to the animals. Here in the United States, people generally aren’t very knowledgeable about the wildlife that surrounds them. However, in Namibia, the people know the correct names and can correctly identify a large majority of the wildlife. This was something that I didn’t expect.

Would you do it again?

I would love to do it again and I would jump at the opportunity if I were given it again.