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Sep 22, 2023

Plant These Trees To See A Burst of Fall Colors in the Wilmington Area

Wilmington Star-News
Robert Bardon of NC State University explains, "Variations in leaf colors are due to the mixing of varying amounts of the chlorophyll and other pigments in the leaf during the fall season."

woolly adelgid - Canopy Gaps Help Eastern Hemlock Outlast Invasive Insect - College of Natural Resources News NC State University

Sep 20, 2023

Canopy Gaps Help Eastern Hemlock Outlast Invasive Insect

Gaps in the forest canopy help eastern hemlocks withstand infestation by the woolly adelgid.

Sep 19, 2023

Factors For Finding the Best Fall Foliage In NC

Spectrum News
Robert Bardon, the associate dean for extension and professor of forestry and environmental resources at NC State University, said fall colors will begin in higher elevations toward the end of September.

Portrait of Jason Delborne - Natural Resources Professor Names AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow - College of Natural Resources News NC State University

Sep 19, 2023

Natural Resources Professor Named AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow

Jason Delborne will spend a year as a staff scientist in the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office under the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Sep 19, 2023

New Research Shows Canopy Gaps Promote Hemlock Health

Morning Ag Clips
Findings shows that when a gap is created around a hemlock by removing other trees, hemlocks exhibit greater new growth.

Sep 18, 2023

See This Pattern On Leaves? It Could Be An Invasive Insect

PIX11 News
The elm zigzag sawfly is currently considered a quarantine pest, meaning the U.S. Department of Agriculture has to confirm each new reported detection in individual counties, according to Kelly Oten, an assistant professor and extension specialist at NC State University.

NC State students in Namibia

Sep 8, 2023

We’re Hiring Student Photographers

The Communications Office at NC State's College of Natural Resources is now hiring student photographers for the 2023-24 academic year.

Sep 7, 2023

Historic Rolesville Tree Falls To the Ax

The Butner-Creedmoor News
Oak trees can live for hundreds of years, but due to land-clearing for timber and agriculture, such old trees remain a rarity in the Piedmont area, said Steph Jeffries, a teaching associate professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at NC State University.

Sep 7, 2023

Legacy of Racist US Housing Policies Extends Even To Bird Data

The study is one of the first direct looks at how “systemic racism can play a role in the ecological process”, said Jin Bai, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at NC State.

Sep 5, 2023

Citizen Science Inspires Kids To Take Local Action

National Science Foundation
"We've found that after participating in citizen science, students don’t just learn more science content or about the process of science, or have better attitudes or trust in science," said study co-author Caren Cooper at NC State. "It can be the basis for motivating action."