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Apr 12, 2017

Firefighters are Killed Every Year by Wildfires. These Scientists Want to Change that.

Working alongside NC State's College of Natural Resources and firefighters, the the Textile Protection and Comfort Center plans to test their materials and prototype shelters during controlled or prescribed fires to see how they hold up in as realistic of conditions as possible. These tests will give the researchers insight into what the conditions are like in an actual forest fire.

Apr 2, 2017

Kids’ Wildlife Preferences Differ from Island to Mainland

Growing up on an island or mainland location can shape the way children think about wildlife, including which species they prefer, according to North Carolina State University research. Comparison surveys of children living in the Bahamas and in North Carolina reveal significant differences and potential challenges for wildlife-conservation efforts on islands.

Mar 31, 2017

Wood Markets Play a Critical Role in Wildfire Prevention

Despite the often-unpredictable path of these fires, much can be done to help prevent them. Through proactive sustainable management and maintenance of forests, foresters and partnerships between private landowners and the forestry industry play a crucial role to help reduce the risk of wildfires.

Mar 27, 2017

The 606 Helped Reduce Crime in Neighborhoods Closest to the Trail, Study Says

In the yearlong study, published in the journal Environment and Behavior, three researchers compared city crime statistics in neighborhoods closest to the 2.7-mile-long trail (Bucktown, Wicker Park, Logan Square and Humboldt Park) with neighborhoods of similar socioeconomic conditions in other parts of the city.

Mar 23, 2017

Op-Ed: How Tagging Butterflies Can Help You Tell What’s Real and What’s Fake

Facts, and reality itself, are under attack. President Trump calls anthropogenic global warming — about which there is no scientific doubt — a hoax. Days before the Congressional Budget Office released its scorecard for the new healthcare law, some politicians insisted that the nonpartisan numbers the agency produced could not be believed. Every day on cable TV, you can watch Americans go to war over what’s real and what’s fake.

Mar 21, 2017

Study Finds Knowledge Gaps on Protecting Cultural Sites from Climate Change

A NC State study in Climatic Change found little research exists on how to protect cultural resources like those at Cape Lookout National Seashore, a 56-acre site that includes historic buildings in addition to the iconic lighthouse and scenic beaches.

Feb 7, 2017

Citizen Scientists Deploy Wildlife Cameras to Assess Animal Behaviors

Researchers at NC State's College of Natural Resources are launching the the largest camera trap animal survey ever attempted. The study hopes to collect 20,000 photos from all 100 NC counties over three years. The pictures will provide data to assess wild animal habitats, behaviors, populations and interactions with development.

NC State students in Namibia

Jul 20, 2016

Not Your Average Study Abroad Experience: Desert Ecology in Namibia

Enrichment Fund recipient Julia Jacobs, a natural resources policy and administration major, solidified her aspiration to become a conservation scientist while studying abroad this summer in Namibia.

Imagine Study Abroad trip

Jun 28, 2016

Not Your Average Study Abroad Experience: IMAGINE South Africa

Students do more than just imagine "Water Woes, People, Parks, and Pollution" they experience them first-hand on this study abroad trip.

Unexpected Products Made From Paper

Nov 11, 2015

Unexpected Products Made From Paper

Did you know that there are more than 5,000 products made from paper and paper making by-products?