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Rodolphe Barrangou, professor and co-founder of TreeCo, with genome edited poplars.

Jun 10, 2020

NC State Spin-off TreeCo To Breed a Better Forest

TreeCo, a start-up company founded by two NC State researchers, is setting out to revolutionize the forestry industry by combining insights from tree genetics with the power of genome editing.

Apr 29, 2020

How You Can Contribute to Scientific Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As COVID-19 forces people to keep their distance from others, citizen science provides meaningful and educational activities that can be done from the safety of your home or backyard.

Ryan Emanuel - NC State Professor Wins Prestigious Fellowship to Study Indigenous Rights - College of Natural Resources News - NC State University

Apr 23, 2020

NC State Professor Wins Prestigious Fellowship to Study Indigenous Rights

As a fellow at the National Humanities Center, Ryan Emanuel will spend the next year writing a book about his research project, “Water in the Lumbee World: Environmental Justice, Indigenous Rights, and the Transformation of Home."

Bat hanging on tree

Apr 22, 2020

How Habitat Destruction Enables the Spread of Diseases Like COVID-19

Habitat destruction leads to the emergence of animal-to-human transmitted diseases like COVID-19.

hurricane satellite

Mar 6, 2020

Forests After Florence

Dr. Madhusudan Katti, an associate professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, is collaborating with undergraduate students from across disciplines to study the hurricane’s collective impact on urban forests.

four cats at food bowls

Mar 2, 2020

Cat Food Mystery Foils Diet Study

A collaborative study led by NC State researchers unintentionally found that some cat food manufacturers regularly change ingredient composition, even within the same flavors of cat food.  

bee tent

Feb 27, 2020

These Tiny Tents Are Bee Research At Work

The tiny tents you see around NC State’s campus this semester are pollinator research in progress.

A Group of Wild Boar - Invasive Species: How Exotic Plants, Animals and Insects Impact North Carolina - College of Natural Resources News - NC State University

Feb 25, 2020

Invasive Species: How Exotic Plants, Animals and Insects Impact North Carolina

From the emerald ash borer to feral swine, North Carolina is home to a number of invasive species that can have devastating impacts on the environment, economy and even human health.

Excavator - NEPA Overhaul: Everything You Need to Know - College of Natural Resources News - NC State University

Jan 23, 2020

NEPA Overhaul: Everything You Need to Know

Will the Trump administration's proposed changes to the 50-year-old law spur economic development or environmental ruin? Our experts weigh in on the controversial move.

Field of Christmas Trees - Parasitic Wasps Are Making A Meal of North Carolina’s Christmas Trees - College of Natural Resources News - NC State University

Dec 22, 2019

Parasitic Wasps Are Making A Meal of North Carolina’s Christmas Trees

North Carolina is the country's second-largest producer and exporter of Christmas trees. But a parasitic wasp is feasting on the seed supply.