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women in natural resources

Smart Factory - Artificial Intelligence: A Game Changer for the Chemical Manufacturing Industry - College of Natural Resources News - NC State University

Mar 24, 2020

Artificial Intelligence: A Game Changer for the Chemical Manufacturing Industry

A growing number of chemical manufacturers are exploring the use of artificial intelligence to cut greenhouse gas emissions and improve the energy efficiency of their operations.

Jennifer Fawcett at a prescribed burn site

Mar 10, 2020

Women in Forestry and Fire: Empowering Women through Land Management Education

In honor of Women’s History Month, we sat down with Jennifer Fawcett to talk about her work with women in fire and forestry.

quality assurance team

Mar 9, 2020

The Pathway Toward Quality Assurance

A new group of faculty members, including the College of Natural Resources' Megan Lupek, are learning firsthand the importance of quality course design as they make their way through the Online Course Improvement Program.

Annette Moore poses with arms crossed under a brick archway.

Feb 28, 2020

Meet DELTA Faculty Fellow Annette Moore

With more than 20 years as a full-time instructor with the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Moore has demonstrated curiosity, enthusiasm and excellence in teaching with technology.

bee tent

Feb 27, 2020

These Tiny Tents Are Bee Research At Work

The tiny tents you see around NC State’s campus this semester are pollinator research in progress.

Shannon Ricci

Feb 4, 2020

Remote Sensing and the Science of Sound

As part of her dissertation research, Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student Shannon Ricci is developing new techniques to understand the impacts of boat traffic on natural sound beneath the sea.

Adriene Heffner kayaking on a lake: A Student at 50: a Non-Traditional Journey in the College of Natural Resources

Jan 29, 2020

A Student at 50: a Non-Traditional Journey in the College of Natural Resources

Adriene Heffner received her master's at 50 after making a commitment to self-betterment and improvement. Read about her unique journey in the College of Natural Resources.

Carson B - Graduation to Vocation: Researching Our Sense of Place

Dec 13, 2019

Graduation to Vocation: Researching Our Sense of Place

Master's student Carson B. found her passion in working with the public to understand their sense of place.

Lindsay Leonard

Dec 10, 2019

Graduation to Vocation: Impacting Lives through Process Engineering

Paper Science and Engineering graduate Lindsay Leonard hopes to impact people's lives through her career in the pulp and paper industry.

Kirsten Keleher - NC State Undergraduate Research in Conservation Provides Unique Opportunity to Student

Nov 20, 2019

NC State Undergraduate Research in Conservation Provides Unique Opportunity to Student

Despite only being a sophomore in college, Kirsten Keleher has participated in numerous conservation-focused research studies through NC State University and partner organizations.