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Student Advisory Committee, Pulp and Paper Advisory Board

PSE Students creating connections with our industry sponsors.

Student Advisory Committee
The Mission of the Student Advisory Committee
The Pulp and Paper Student Advisory Committee (SAC) consists of a group of Paper Science & Engineering students passionate about encouraging awareness of the wide range of opportunities PSE offers its students.

What We Do
The SAC serves two essential functions: to provide a conduit from students to the Pulp and Paper Advisory Board (PPAB) and to facilitate engagement, involvement, and awareness from both sides to better the program and open opportunities for PSE. We accomplish these multifaceted goals in many ways. First, we write articles posted on the Forest Biomaterial webpage, the PSE Facebook page, and the newsletter sent to our vast network of donors, alumni, corporate partners, faculty/staff, and students. These articles help keep everyone involved with PSE informed on events and opportunities and showcase the many accomplishments of the PSE program and its students. 

The PSE program has outstanding events throughout the year – First Year student retreat, TAPPI Student Summit, annual Pulp and Paper Scholarship Banquet, student TAPPI Chapter social events, exam breaks, corporate pre-nights, and many more. These events are unique to this program and allow readers to hear about them through the eyes of students who were impacted by or involved in these events, allowing for connection and transparency. 

Additionally, the SAC works closely with the PPAB to create a strong connection between PSE and the PPAB. This subgoal is specifically essential when planning and executing the many tasks to support the annual Pulp and Paper Board Meeting and Scholarship Banquet. While the PPAB plans the banquet, their ideas and goals are shared with the SAC, which are, in turn, shared with the entirety of PSE.

Impact on the PSE Program
The SAC is essential to sharing the opportunities made available in the PSE program through the perspective of students. It is crucial that prospective students and parents looking to join the PSE family have the ability to read about all of our unique, impactful events directly from PSE students attending the events. 

We value our program's generous donors and enjoy demonstrating to them the great things we continue to do and how their contributions touch students' lives. Our articles are included in the PSE newsletter, allowing donors and alums to read about the accomplishments of the PSE program made possible through their support.

The Pulp and Paper SAC serves an essential function within the PSE program and takes only a small time commitment from its members. If you are a student interested in joining the committee and helping give back to the program, please contact Shannon Lora at

By: Noah Crowder, PSE ‘27
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