Undergrad Position Available for Urban Systems Research

Update 8 July 2020: Thank you to all who have expressed interest in this position! It has now been filled, and applications are no longer being accepted.
The Landscape Dynamics group led by Center for Geospatial Analytics Director Ross Meentemeyer is recruiting an NC State University undergraduate to assist with ongoing research. The Landscape Dynamics group develops modeling and analytics in two focal research areas: Biological Invasions and Urban Systems. The undergraduate research assistant will contribute to an Urban Systems project simulating “what-if” scenarios of future population redistribution and land change following sea level rise and increased flooding in the Southeast US.
Responsibilities may include attending meetings virtually and in person, conducting literature reviews, collecting data, creating databases and assisting in validation of remote sensing image classification. The research assistant will receive training to accomplish required duties.
Students particularly interested in applying geospatial analytics to investigate natural-human systems interactions would be most suited to this position. The position requires an average availability of 10 hours per week, and interested students must be able to commit for a minimum of one semester. Work will begin the first day of fall classes (August 10, 2020) and last at least through fall final exams (November 20, 2020).
Preference will be given to junior- and senior-level students with experience in programming (e.g., R, Python) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Interested students should email both Dr. Georgina Sanchez (gmsanche@ncsu.edu) and Dr. Ross Meentemeyer (rkmeente@ncsu.edu) with their CV or resume.