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Ross Meentemeyer

Nov 11, 2019

Meentemeyer Named Goodnight Distinguished Professor of Geospatial Analytics

Dr. Ross K. Meentemeyer, Director of the Center for Geospatial Analytics, has been appointed the Goodnight Distinguished Professor of Geospatial Analytics, recognizing his extraordinary work and commitment to advancing the field of geospatial analytics.

2019 Awards Banquet

Oct 30, 2019

Celebrating Our Community

At its first Awards Banquet on October 26, the Center for Geospatial Analytics honored students, faculty and staff for their achievements and presented five new CGA Awards.

Tangible Landscape

Oct 29, 2019

First Official Stable Version of Tangible Landscape Software Released

Developers at the Center for Geospatial Analytics have announced the first stable release of Tangible Landscape, the center’s signature open source system for hands-on geospatial modeling: Tangible Landscape 1.0.0.

Fall 2019 Orientation - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University

Oct 9, 2019

“I Use Geospatial Analytics To…” Part II

Curious about what our newest Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. students work on for their dissertations? Check out how they and their advisors use geospatial analytics to impact a range of fields.

Garrett Millar

Sep 24, 2019

Putting Human Experience on the Map

Garrett Millar has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from NC State and will graduate in May from the Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. program. Using data from wearable sensors, he creates interactive visualizations that explore the spatial side of stress.

Amazon fires

Sep 23, 2019

Amazon Rainforest Fires: Everything You Need to Know

As thousands of fires burn across the Brazilian Amazon, NC State researchers including remote sensing scientist Faculty Fellow Josh Gray have answers to your questions.

Julian Agyeman

Sep 17, 2019

Special Geospatial Forum to Explore Social Justice and Sustainability

On October 3, 2019, North Carolina State University will host renowned critical urban planning and environmental social science scholar and author Julian Agyeman to present his work at the intersection of social justice and sustainability, followed by a geospatial panel discussion.

Mirela Tulbure

Sep 17, 2019

Center Welcomes Newest Member of Geospatial Analytics Cluster

The Center for Geospatial Analytics is proud to welcome remote sensing scientist Mirela Tulbure as the newest member of the Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program’s Geospatial Analytics faculty cluster! Mirela joins the center as a new faculty fellow and member of the steering committee.

Teachers at GAPS explore geospatial applications

Sep 6, 2019

Local Teachers Train to Enhance Lessons with Geospatial Tools

The center's highly successful extracurricular program for high school students––GAPS (Geospatial Applications for Problem Solving)––expanded in Summer 2019 to offer its first workshop for teachers.

satellite imagery

Sep 5, 2019

New NASA-Funded Research Will Address Food Security and Climate Adaptation

New research led by faculty fellow Josh Gray will combine innovative approaches in remote sensing and on-the-ground interviews with farmers to help guide agricultural adaptation to climate change.