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ugpn-cover - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University

Jul 19, 2018

UGPN Research Collaboration Fund Recipients Announced

The University Global Partnership Network (UGPN) recently announced the recipients of the seventh round of the Research Collaboration Fund between the network’s member universities. NC State faculty awardees include Eric Money, Aaron Hipp and Perver Baran.

cloudclearing - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University

Jul 19, 2018

Rapid Cloud Clearing Phenomenon Could Provide Another Piece of Climate Puzzle

Rapid and dramatic clearing of low cloud cover off the southwest coast of Africa described by Faculty Fellow Sandra Yuter could help climatologists understand how clouds affect Earth’s heating and cooling.

Tangible Landscape system with 3-D imagery

Jul 17, 2018

Second Edition of Tangible Modeling Book Released

Newly released this summer, the second edition of Tangible Modeling with Open Source GIS provides new tools for running powerful geospatial simulations with physical models and 3-D imagery.

Rachel Kasten chats with Rob Scheller and Karl Wegmann

Jul 2, 2018

Meet Rachel Kasten, Graduate Services Coordinator

At the Center for Geospatial Analytics, Rachel Kasten helps students navigate their doctoral program and works to keep the center running smoothly. Learn how she is also helping to build a more inclusive culture on campus.

A photo of a woman using a drone for the Center for Geospatial Analytics

Jul 2, 2018

Taking Flight with Drone Research

Winner of a 2018 NASA/NC Space Grant Graduate Research Fellowship, incoming Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. student Kellyn Montgomery is launching an innovative study of crop health this summer.

NC ArcGIS Users Group members gather in the Geovisualization Lab

Jun 13, 2018

What It Means To Be an EDC

As an Esri Development Center, the Center for Geospatial Analytics works at the frontiers of ArcGIS technology and builds collaborations to continually advance the student experience.

Bethany Cutts

May 14, 2018

Connecting Power and Place

New research by Faculty Fellow Bethany Cutts combines spatial analysis and interviews to help watershed planners better understand the social vulnerability of communities across time and space.

NC State graduation

May 14, 2018

Congratulations to Our Spring Graduates!

At May graduation, 43 members of the Center for Geospatial Analytics community were recognized for completing their graduate programs.

The NC State Belltower at dusk and night - Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University

May 11, 2018

Helping Community Partners with GIS Solutions

During their final semester, each master's student in Geospatial Information Science and Technology completes a service-learning capstone project, working directly with a community or industry partner. This season, we celebrate the work of our May graduates.

panel discussion

May 9, 2018

Global Change Seminar Panel Discusses Science Advocacy

What are the risks and rewards of science advocacy, and the different forms it can take? Center Ph.D. student and Global Change Fellow Devon Gaydos reports on the findings of a recent panel discussion at the SE Climate Adaptation Science Center.