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climate change

Forest in Oregon damaged by fire.

Jan 25, 2021

Ecologist: People Should Prepare for Landscapes to Change

In a new book, an NC State professor describes how land managers and communities should expect landscape change and plan for it.

Stack of wooden logs, lumber - Biomass: A Sustainable Energy Source for the Future? - College of Natural Resources News NC State University

Jan 15, 2021

Biomass: A Sustainable Energy Source for the Future?

From creating sustainable jet fuel to developing sustainable consumer goods, the College of Natural Resources is at the forefront of exploring the opportunities and challenges associated with harnessing renewable biomass.

Jocelyn Painter on boat - NC State Student Brings Indigenous Knowledge to State Climate Policies - College of Natural Resources News NC State University

Dec 10, 2020

NC State Student Brings Indigenous Knowledge to State Climate Policies

Jocelyn Painter is giving North Carolina’s Native American tribes a seat at the governing table.

Dec 7, 2020

‘Tis the Season to Recycle

Online shoppers can help combat climate change by recycling cardboard boxes and other packaging materials during the holiday season.

Mountain forest - Cost of Planning, Protecting Trees to Fight Climate Change Could Jump - College of Natural Resources News NC State University

Dec 4, 2020

Cost of Planting, Protecting Trees to Fight Climate Change Could Jump

A new analysis estimates the cost of preserving and planting trees to hit global emissions reductions targets.

Tractor in a wheat field - How Animal Manure Could Help Reduce Agriculture's Carbon Footprint - - College of Natural Resources News NC State University

Nov 11, 2020

How Animal Manure Could Help Reduce Agriculture’s Carbon Footprint

A new system developed by NC State researchers aims to decarbonize the agriculture industry.

a forest separated into many parts by highways

Nov 2, 2020

Getting The Most Bang For Your Conservation Buck

Climate change is complicating conservation efforts. New approaches are needed.

A pile of used clothing

Oct 29, 2020

Our Clothes Are Polluting the Environment. Here’s a Solution.

The clothing that ends up in landfills can emit greenhouse gases and leach chemicals into the ground.

A wildfire burns near a lake in California.

Oct 16, 2020

After the Blaze: How Wildfires Can Impact Drinking Water

As wildfires grow hotter and more destructive, cities around the world could face drinking water shortages.

Aspen trees in the Colorado mountains.

Sep 25, 2020

Colorado’s Famous Aspens Expected to Decline Due to Climate Change

NC State researchers predict quaking aspen trees, known for their brilliant foliage in fall, will visibly decline along three scenic drives in Colorado.