Congrats to Our December 2019 Graduates!

At December graduation, NC State will award two doctorates, 18 professional master’s degrees, and 25 graduate certificates to members of the Center for Geospatial Analytics community. Congratulations to all of our students on their success!

Laura Belica; Forestry and Environmental Resources; advised by Stacy Nelson
Summer Stream Temperatures in the Humid, Forested, Headwaters of the Southern Appalachian Mountains: The Influence of Climate, Topography and Landcover and Their Spatial Variability on Stream Thermal Regimes.

Jason Matney; Geospatial Analytics; co-advised by Stacy Supak and Stacy Nelson
Emerging Computing Trends, Web GIS Tools and Forecasting Methods for Geospatial Environmental Decision Support in Service of Complex Land Management Challenges
Master of Geospatial Information Science and Technology
The MGIST program equips students with the knowledge and tools to become geospatial professionals through a unique curriculum that leverages NC State’s strengths in computational and data sciences and interdisciplinary training, in combination with professional skills development. The degree was designed to be completed entirely online, allowing flexibility for both students just entering the work force and those already established. Learn more about this semester’s capstone service learning projects.

Graduate Certificate in Geospatial Information Science
The graduate certificate provides students with a graduate level academic credential in advanced GIS applications. This program is designed for students who wish to establish themselves in GIS practice, enhance current skill sets, or are not yet ready to commit to a full graduate program. The certificate can be completed entirely online and is also available to current NC State students enrolled in a non-GIS graduate degree.

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