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Mapping on a touchscreen

Oct 13, 2017

NSF Grant Funds Smart City Research to Tackle Regional Problems with Serious Games

With NSF funding, a research team led by Center for Geospatial Analytics director Ross Meentemeyer will unite four universities in the Triangle and regional stakeholders to develop a serious game for stormwater management.

Architectural detail

Sep 15, 2017

Acadia 2017 Student Scholarship Awards Announced

Ph.D. student Payam Tabrizian has won a scholarship to attend the 2017 conference of ACADIA, an international network of digital design researchers and professionals.

Ashwin Shashidharan

Sep 8, 2017

Where a Great Idea Can Take You

Ph.D. student Ashwin Shashidharan interned with the world’s top GIS software company this summer and continues to gain recognition for his award-winning research in computer science.

Stacy Supak

Aug 30, 2017

A Passion for Solving Puzzles

Stacy Supak, an online instructor for the Center for Geospatial Analytics' MGIST program, loves solving problems in the most efficient way possible and enjoys teaching others to do the same.

Downtown Raleigh

Aug 30, 2017

InVision Raleigh Lets Urban Planners See the Future

Center researchers led by faculty fellow Perver Baran partnered with a team from the City of Raleigh to create a revolutionary 3-D tool on the web for visualizing development alternatives.


Aug 17, 2017

A Walk Around Campus

“NC State has a good network of greenways and walking trails that make it easy to go from place to place without leaving campus,” Aaron Hipp says. “There are free buses to get you to places on campus, and NC State is a certified bike-friendly university. All of those things help promote faculty and staff getting out of their offices and moving during their workday.”


Aug 16, 2017

Bedbugs and Mars: Graphics Winners of the 2017 NC State Research Image Contest

A Mars map by Faculty Fellow Paul Byrne won first place for graphics and illustration among faculty and staff in the 2017 NC State Research Image Contest.

MGIST students at orientation

Aug 14, 2017

New Enrollment in Online Master’s Degree Breaks Previous Record

This Fall, the center welcomes its largest group of new students to the professional master's program in Geospatial Information Science and Technology. Thirty-nine students are newly enrolled, breaking last Fall's record of 32.

An image of a map of North Carolina

May 19, 2017

Service Learning in Action

During their final semester, each master's student in Geospatial Information Science and Technology completes a service-learning capstone project.

A photo of Payam Tabrizian as he looks on while Joan Iverson Nassauer experiments with designing a landscape using colored felt.

Apr 28, 2017

Getting in Touch with the Designer in All of Us

Payam Tabrizian is a landscape architect and Ph.D. student in Design, but he firmly believes that designing landscapes shouldn’t be limited to the professionals. His research bridges disciplinary gaps between design and the geospatial and cognitive sciences.