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NC State Researchers Use Big Data to Boost Public Engagement in Urban Planning

Aug 27, 2019

NC State Researchers Use Big Data to Boost Public Engagement in Urban Planning

Researchers at NC State’s Center for Geospatial Analytics are making urban planning a lot more fun these days, and they’re using a participatory approach to do it.

Aug 20, 2019

What Our Students Were Up To This Summer

Our students did internships, competed, and traveled the world. Check out their summer adventures.

Aug 16, 2019

Camera Traps Provide Candid Look at Wildlife

Camera trap technology has given scientists an unparalleled look into the secret lives of wildlife.

Students in the lab

Aug 15, 2019

Workshop Provides Teachers with Professional Development in Bioproducts and Bioenergy

Sixteen high school science and career and technical education (CTE) teachers attended a four-day hands-on professional development workshop at NC State in July.

Student poses in Wolf Plaza

Aug 14, 2019

Meet Our Fall 2019 Incoming Students

Everyone has a unique story to share and our incoming students are no exception. Learn more about where they're from and where they're going at NC State.

Aug 6, 2019

NC State Students Gain Professional Experience with the Tar River Land Conservancy

Kelly Eakes and Tommy Fairbairn will complete 12-week professional internships with Tar River Land Conservancy.

Data Visualization Tool Allows Raleigh Residents to Monitor Development

Aug 5, 2019

Data Visualization Tool Allows Raleigh Residents to Monitor Development

NC State's Center for Geospatial Analytics is developing an innovative, 3D public engagement tool to visualize development. 

How Big Data Can Help Predict the Spread of Pests and Pathogens

Aug 2, 2019

How Big Data Can Help Predict the Spread of Pests and Pathogens 

Dynamic modeling is helping decision-makers curb the spread of economically and ecologically destructive pests and pathogens.

Jul 29, 2019

Outdoor Afro Group Works to Get Diverse Populations to Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Myron Floyd, professor and head of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, discusses the barriers that African Americans face to enjoying outdoor spaces.

Forestry student receives resource management service scholarship

Jul 29, 2019

Forestry Student Wins Resource Management Service Scholarship

The forestry scholarship will allow Sarah Bailey to practice forestry and graduate with no debt.