In August 2024, the Center for Geospatial Analytics welcomed its sixth cohort of Geospatial Analytics Ph.D. students. Geospatial analytics is a branch of data science that spans myriad disciplines, and our students’ research interests and backgrounds are just as varied! They are advised by Faculty Fellows across six departments in three different colleges here at N.C. State.
Meet our newest Ph.D. students as they join our other cohorts of students on their academic journeys.

Evan Dadson
Research: Modeling the population cycles of invasive species to biotic and abiotic factors using open-source geospatial tools and spatial-temporal statistics
Advisors: Chris Jones and Ross Meentemeyer
Education: B.S. Applied Mathematics & B.S. Statistics (North Carolina State University)

Jack Deppman
Research: The individualized societal impact of climate change, particularly relating to homeownership and personal economics
Advisor: Ross Meentemeyer
Education: B.S. Environmental Science & B.S. Geography (Villanova University)

Christian Fleming
Research: Enhancing livestock disease modeling and biosecurity with geospatial data and technology to support foreign animal disease preparedness and control
Advisor: Gustavo Machado
Education: Master of Geospatial Information Science and Technology (North Carolina State University), B.A. Psychology (North Carolina State University)

Rachel Layko
Research: Examining the role of human-environment interactions in managing protected areas across spatial scales, especially in the context of climate change
Advisor: Jelena Vukomanovic
Education: M.A. Geography (Arizona State University), B.S. Biology (The College of William & Mary)

Bigyapti Nepal
Research: Algal modeling for cyanobacteria to enhance water quality and predict climate change impacts on coastal systems
Advisors: Dan Obenour and Bethany Cutts
Education: B.S. Environmental Science (Kathmandu University)

Asumi Saito
Research: Synthesizing the satellite data with hydrologic models based on ground observation data to enhance the prediction on water-related extreme events for data-scarce areas
Advisor: Sankar Aumugam
Education: M.S. Agricultural and Resource Economics – Applied Econometrics and Data Analytics emphasis (University of Arizona), B.S. Food and Environmental Economics (Kyoto University)

Emma Vail
Research: Utilizing remote sensing data and surface water modeling to enhance disaster management strategies, particularly for flood monitoring and mitigation across diverse environments
Advisor: Mirela Tulbure
Education: B.S. Environmental Spatial Analysis (University of North Georgia)

Kelly van Woesik
Research: Impacts of tidal flooding from sea-level rise on coastal water quality
Advisor: Natalie Nelson
Education: M.S. Biology (Arizona State University), B.S. Biomathematics (Florida Institute of Technology)

Keyu Wan
Research: Utilizing GeoAI methods to detect forest degradation, track transitions, and assess their impact
Advisor: Raju Vatsavai
Education: M.S. Geospatial Data Sciences (University of Michigan), B.S. Remote Sensing Science and Technology (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology)
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