Mirela Tulbure
Mapping a Dynamic Planet, Surface Water and Connectivity
Forestry and Environmental Resources
5227 Jordan Addition
Mirela uses geospatial analytics to quantify and improve understanding of surface water extent, vegetation and landscape connectivity dynamics in water stressed regions.

- Creating spatially complete zoning maps using machine learning , COMPUTERS ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SYSTEMS (2024)
- Projecting Surface Water Area Under Different Climate and Development Scenarios , EARTHS FUTURE (2024)
- Taking it further: Leveraging pseudo-labels for field delineation across label-scarce smallholder regions , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION (2024)
- Automated in-season rice crop mapping using Sentinel time-series data and Google Earth Engine: A case study in climate-risk prone Bangladesh , JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (2023)
- Can we detect more ephemeral floods with higher density harmonized Landsat Sentinel 2 data compared to Landsat 8 alone? , ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING (2022)
- Effects of Climate and Anthropogenic Drivers on Surface Water Area in the Southeastern United States , WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH (2022)
- Forest water use is increasingly decoupled from water availability even during severe drought , LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY (2022)
- A multi-sensor satellite imagery approach to monitor on-farm reservoirs , REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT (2021)
- Leveraging the NEON Airborne Observation Platform for socio-environmental systems research , ECOSPHERE (2021)
- Monitoring Small Water Bodies Using High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Analysis Ready Datasets , REMOTE SENSING (2021)