At the Center for Geospatial Analytics, our faculty fellows, researchers and scholars attract competitive grants and contracts from a variety of sources to support cutting-edge work at the forefront of geospatial and educational research.

Our partners range from local municipalities and small businesses to nonprofits and federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation, US Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA Forest Service, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, US National Park Service, US Army Research Office, the US Geological Survey, and NASA.
Below is the center’s portfolio of funded projects and sponsors dating back to 2008.
Current Grants and Contracts
POSE Phase II: Growing GRASS OSE for Worldwide Access to Multidisciplinary Geospatial Analytics
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Investigator(s): Helena Mitasova, Vaclav Petras, Anna Petrasova, Corey White
Award Amount (Period): $1,566,354 (9-1-2023 to 8-31-2025)
Safe Places to Play
Sponsor: United States Soccer Federation
Investigator(s): Kyle Bunds, Aaron Hipp
Award Amount (Period): $125,034 (1-8-2024 to 12-31-2024)
IARPA Space-Based Machine Automated Recognition Technique (SMART)
Sponsor: Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) (Prime–Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA))
Investigator(s): Rada Chirkova, Ranga Vatsavai
Award Amount (Period): $370,068 (5-10-2021 to 12-21-2024)
Justwater: Policy Leadership And Environmental Justice During Disaster Recovery
Sponsor: NCSU Sea Grant Program
Investigator(s): Bethany Cutts
Award Amount (Period): $165,026 (2-1-2022 to 6-30-2024)
South Asian Smallholder Forests and other Tree-based Systems: Synthesizing LCLUC Data and Approaches to Foster a Natural Climate Solution that Improves Livelihoods
Sponsor: US National Park Service (Prime–US Dept. of Interior (DOI))Michigan State University (Prime–National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA))
Investigator(s): Josh Gray
Award Amount (Period): $218,582 (7-20-2022 to 7-19-2025)
Development of Near Real-Time Land Surface Phenology Product by Fusing Geostationary Satellite and VIIRS Observations in Support of Agriculture and Land Management
Sponsor: South Dakota State University (Prime–National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA))
Investigator(s): Josh Gray
Award Amount (Period): $33,751 (8-1-2020 to 7-31-2024)
Does Chilling Explain the Divergent Response of Spring Phenology to Urban Heat Islands?
Sponsor: National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)
Investigator(s): Joshua Gray
Award Amount (Period): $135,000 (9-1-2021 to 8-31-2024)
Long-Term Changes and Variability in Global Ecosystem Phenology From MODIS
Sponsor: Boston University (Prime–National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA))
Investigator(s): Joshua Gray
Award Amount (Period): $88,871 (9-1-2021 to 8-31-2024)
Quantifying the Ephemeral: Integrating Satellite Observations with Physical Models to Map Daily Inundation and Capture Short-Term Methane Emissions
Sponsor: (Prime–National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)
Investigator(s): Joshua Gray
Award Amount (Period): $150,000 (9-1-2023 to 10-3-2026)
Addressing Evolving Corn Earworm Management Challenges in Sweet Corn Grown in the Eastern US
Sponsor: University of Maryland – College Park (Prime–US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) – National Institute of Food and Agriculture)
Investigator(s): Anders Huseth, Chris Jones, Ross Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $549,991 (9-1-2023 to 7-31-2027)
Unifying Biological and Environmental Data Streams to Monitor Emerging Lepidopteran Resistance to Genetically Engineered Crops
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) – National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Investigator(s): Anders Huseth, George Kennedy, Alper Bozkurt, Brian Reich, Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $500,000 (9-1-2020 to 8-31-2024)
US-UK Collab: Long-Distance Dispersal and Disease Spread Under Increased Ecological Complexity
Sponsor: Oregon State University (Prime–US Dept. of Agriculture – National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA NIFA))
Investigator(s): Chris Jones, Peter Ojiambo, Ross K. Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $493,095 (9-1-2022 to 8-31-2024)
Simulating Pest Leakage and Spatio-Temporal Propagule Pressure to Improve Phytosanitary Program Design and Evaluation
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Chris Jones, Ross K. Meentemeyer, Vaclav Petras, Yu Takeuchi
Award Amount (Period): $127,192 (8-1-2023 to 7-31-2024)
Eradication Analysis and Decision Support Tool
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Chris Jones, Ross K. Meentemeyer, Yu Takeuchi
Award Amount (Period): $148,559 (8-1-2023 to 7-31-2024)
Developing Integrated Geospatial Architectures to Support Enterprise Deployment of Geographic Information Systems Products at USDA
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service (USDA ARS)
Investigator(s): Chris Jones; Ross K. Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $680,000 (8-1-2021 to 6-30-2025)
NC State Parks Visitor Use Study
Sponsor: NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Investigator(s): Lincoln Larson, Charlynne Smith, Stacy Supak
Award Amount (Period): $198,865 (6-2-2023 to 6-30-2025)
Forestry of the Future: Improving Student Readiness and Workforce Participation of Underrepresented Minority Populations in Forest Resources
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) – National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Investigator(s): Zakiya Leggett, Elizabeth Nichols, Mark Megalos, Stacy Nelson, Rajan Parajuli, Louie Rivers
Award Amount (Period): $246,000 (4-1-2020 to 3-31-2025)
DSFAS: Leveraging Multi-scale, Multi-purpose Open Big Data and Machine Learning to Improve Forecasts of and Decision Support for Emerging Pest Threats
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) – National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Investigator(s): Ross K. Meentemeyer, Chris Jones, Chelsey Walden-Schreiner
Award Amount (Period): $649,977 (1-15-2022 to 1-14-2027)
Research and Development in Geographic Information Systems for the National Park Service, Interior Region One
Sponsor: US National Park Service (Prime–US Dept. of Interior (DOI))
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer, Bill Slocumb
Award Amount (Period): $451,680 (8-24-2020 to 9-30-2024)
Automated Host Mapping Tool for Spread Modeling and Field Operations Planning
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer, Christopher Jones, Chelsey Walden-Schreiner, Yu Takeuchi
Award Amount (Period): $129,176 (8-1-2023 to 7-31-2024)
Adaptation of the Path Sampling Water Flow Simulation Model for the Integration of Dynamic Soil Survey Data
Sponsor: USDA – Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Investigator(s): Helena Mitasova, Lubos Mitas, Vaclav Petras, Anna Petrasova
Award Amount (Period): $400,000 (9-29-2023 to 9-30-2026)
FACT: Developing Data-to-Decision Pipelines for Agroecosystem Management through High-performance Computing and Big Data Analytics
Sponsor: USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson; Co-Is: Steven Hall, William Hunt III, Anders Huseth, Brian Reich
Award Amount (Period): $500,000 (8-1-2019 to 7-31-2024)
Future of Aquatic Flows: Exploring Changes in the Freshwater/Saltwater Interface and its Impacts to Aquatic Species
Sponsor: US Geological Survey (USGS)
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $255,421 (10-1-2022 to 9-30-2024)
SECOORA-Integrated Decision Support and Management Tools for Adaptive Public Health Practices: An Early Advisement and Reporting System for Recreational and Shellfish Harvesting Waters of the Southeast
Sponsor: University of South Carolina (Prime–Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association – SECOORA)
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $116,875 (7-1-2021 to 6-30-2024)
CAREER: Characterizing the Unseen Water Quality Consequences of Sunny-Day Floods in Nearshore Waters
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $429,240 (8-1-2021 to 7-31-2026)
Coupling Lake, Watershed, and Estuarine Models to Better Understand the Role of Engineered Freshwater Discharges in Driving the Severity, Location, and Timing of Harmful Algal Blooms
Sponsor: University of Florida (Prime–Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC))
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $334,434 (9-29-2021 to 8-28-2024)
Towards Real-Time Fecal Indicator Bacteria Monitoring in Coastal Waters
Sponsor: US Army – Corps of Engineers
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson, Angela Harris, Christopher Osburn
Award Amount (Period): $290,783 (3-4-2022 to 3-4-2025)
Designing Model Protocols to Assess Impacts to Receiving Waters that have Low Dissolved Oxygen
Sponsor: NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Investigator(s): Dan Obenour, Emily Berglund
Award Amount (Period): $281,540 (8-1-2023 to 7-31-2025)
Improved Quantification of Stormwater Dilution in Wastewater Treatment Facility Influent Using Organic Matter Fluorescence
Sponsor: NCSU Water Resources Research Institute
Investigator(s): Chris Osburn
Award Amount (Period): $119,457 (9-1-2023 to 8-31-2025)
Determine the Causes of and Potential Solutions to the Algal Blooms in the Chowan River and Albemarle Sound
Sponsor: Albemarle Resource Conservation and Development Council Inc. (Prime–NC Department of Justice (NCDOJ))
Investigator(s): Christopher Osburn
Award Amount (Period): $41,000 (4-1-2022 to 12-31-2024)
Resilience for Waterfront Infrastructure
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Investigator(s): Vaclav Petras, Anna Petrasova
Award Amount (Period): $84,201 (1-15-2024 to 12-31-2024)
Deployment and Field Testing of a Sensor Integrated Platform for Monitoring Emerging Phytophthora Diseases
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Investigator(s): Jean Ristaino, Chris Jones, Qingshan Wei
Award Amount (Period): $343,486 (7-1-2023 to 6-30-2024)
Plant-Aid: A Data Driven and Sensor Integrated Platform to Monitor Emerging Plant Diseases
Sponsor: Game-Changing Research Incentive Program for Plant Sciences (GRIP4PSI)
Investigator(s): Jean Ristaino, Qingshan Wei, Anna Whitfield, Robert Scheller, Dorith Rotenberg, David Rasmussen, Chris Jones, Yong Zhu, Inga Meadows, Kelly Zering
Award Amount (Period): $556,250 (2-17-2020 to 6-30-2024)
Predicting Interactions between Demographic Change, Climate Adaptations, and Conservation Actions across the U.S. Caribbean
Sponsor: US Geological Survey (USGS)
Investigator(s): Georgina Sanchez, Anna Petrasova, Jelena Vukomanovic, Ross Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $370,760 (8-1-2024 to 7-31-2026)
Promoting Sustainable State Park Management in North Carolina through the Identification of Equitable Pricing Strategies
Sponsor: NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Investigator(s): Elizabeth Savage, Erin Seekamp, Whitney Knollenberg, Kangjae Lee, Stacy Supak
Award Amount (Period): $285,388 (2-2-2022 to 7-31-2024)
Spatial Patterning and Carbon Vulnerability: Does the Spatial Arrangement of Forest Management Increase Susceptibility to Climate Change and Ecosystem Disturbances?
Sponsor: University of Colorado – Denver (Prime–National Science Foundation (NSF))
Investigator(s): Robert Scheller
Award Amount (Period): $32,376 (1-1-2021 to 6-30-2024)
Forecasting Prescribed Fire Smoke within Vulnerable Communities in Southern Appalachia
Sponsor: Bureau of Land Management (Prime–US Dept. of Interior (DOI))
Investigator(s): Robert Scheller
Award Amount (Period): $31,665 (8-3-2021 to 6-30-2024)
North Carolina Center for Coastal Algae, People, and Environment (NC C-CAPE)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Investigator(s): Astrid Schnetzer, Scott Belcher, Tal Ben-Horin, Bethany Cutts, Casey Dietrich, Cathrine Hoyo, Natalie Nelson, Daniel Obenour, Ryan Paerl
Award Amount (Period): $547,153 (2-21-2024 to 1-31-2029)
Supporting the Development of an Archeology Climate Adaptation Prioritization Framework
Sponsor: US National Park Service (Prime–US Dept. of Interior (DOI))
Investigator(s): Erin Seekamp, William Slocumb
Award Amount (Period): $98,585 (6-1-2021 to 9-30-2024)
Towards Global Flooding Dynamics in Near Real-time: A Multi-sensor Fusion Approach Based on Public Domain Time-series of Optical and Radar Data
Sponsor: National Aeronautics & Space Administration
Investigator(s): Mirela Tulbure
Award Amount (Period): $611,393 (8-15-2021 to 8-14-2024)
Quantifying the Contribution of Small and Highly Dynamic Water Bodies to Methane Emissions
Sponsor: National Aeronautics & Space Administration
Investigator(s): Mirela Tulbure
Award Amount (Period): $196,769 (3-1-2024 to 2-28-2026)
Towards Global Flooding Dynamics in Near Real-time: A Multi-sensor Fusion Approach Based on Public Domain Time-series of Optical and Radar Data
Sponsor: National Aeronautics & Space Administration
Investigator(s): Mirela Tulbure
Award Amount (Period): $611,393 (8-15-2021 to 8-14-2024)
Quantifying On-Farm Reservoirs Impacts on Surface Hydrology Using a Multi-Sensor Approach
Sponsor: National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)
Investigator(s): Mirela Tulbure
Award Amount (Period): $90,000 (9-1-2021 to 7-31-2024)
AI-CLIMATE (AI Institute for Climate-Land Interactions, Mitigation, Adaptation, Tradeoffs and Economy)
Sponsor: USDA – National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
Investigator(s): Ranga Vatsavai
Award Amount (Period): $97,529 (6-1-2023 to 5-31-2028)
The Long View: Development of a 500-year Climate Adaptation Planning Framework with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
Sponsor: US Geological Survey
Investigator(s): Jelena Vukomanovic
Award Amount (Period): $497,083 (11-15-2023 to 12-14-2027)
Communicating Prescribed Fire Management through Virtual Public Engagement Strategies Post-COVID
Sponsor: US National Park Service
Investigator(s): Jelena Vukomanovic
Award Amount (Period): $140,000 (9-1-2021 to 8-15-2025)
Rocky Mountain National Park Assessment of Fire-Effects Monitoring
Sponsor: US Department of the Interior
Investigator(s): Jelena Vukomanovic
Award Amount (Period): $59,621 (9-1-2023 to 12-31-2025)
CESU: Enhancing Fire Management and Engagement through Fire Ecology Science
Sponsor: US National Park Service (Prime–US Dept. of Interior (DOI))
Investigator(s): Jelena Vukomanovic
Award Amount (Period): $76,000 (9-16-2022 to 9-30-2025)
Cultural Landscapes Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments at Mid-Atlantic Battlefield Park Units
Sponsor: US Department of the Interior
Investigator(s): Jelena Vukomanovic, Kofi Boone, John Millhauser, Erin Seekamp
Award Amount (Period): $500,000 (10-30-2023 to 12-31-2026)
Connectivity for a Complex Life Cycle: Conserving the Crystal Skipper Butterfly in a Coastal Urban Environment
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Investigator(s): Elsa Youngsteadt, Justyna Jeziorska, Nathan Hostetter
Award Amount (Period): $429,687 (5-1-2023 to 4-30-2026)
Previous Grants and Contracts
Coupling Pest and Pathogen Spread and SAFARIS Phenological Forecast with Tangible Landscape Visualization
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS)
Investigator(s): Christopher Jones, Chelsey Walden-Schreiner, Ross K. Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $137,446 (8-1-2022 to 1-31-2024)
Investigating Whether Forest Management Can Improve Water Supply Resilience to Drought and Ensure Adequate Baseflow for Aquatic Species in the Southern Blue Ridge
Sponsor: The Nature Conservancy
Investigator(s): Katherine Martin
Award Amount (Period): $72,494 (8-16-2021 to 8-15-2023)
Chatham County: Demographic and Development Study
Sponsor: Lee-Moore Capital Company
Investigator(s): Georgina Sanchez
Award Amount (Period): $72,500 (10-1-2023 to 3-1-2024)
A Data Driven and Sensor Integrated Platform for Monitoring Emerging Phytophthora Diseases with VOC and MN Patch Sensors
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS)
Investigator(s): Jean Ristaino, Qingshan Wei, Christopher Jones
Award Amount (Period): $308,523 (8-1-2022 to 7-31-2023)
Trade Route Analytic Computing and Evaluation (TRACE)
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS)
Investigator(s): Yu Takeuchi, Brian Reich, Christopher Jones
Award Amount (Period): $224,150 (8-1-2022 to 7-31-2023)
Interdisciplinary Energy Data Analytics Ph.D. Fellows Program Phase II: Training the Next Generation of Energy Data Scholars
Sponsor: Duke University (Prime–Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)
Investigator(s): Jelena Vukomanovic
Award Amount (Period): $12,756 (5-1-2022 to 6-30-2023)
PREEVENTS Track 2: Collaborative Research: Defining precursors of Ground Failure: A Multiscale Framework for Early Landslide Prediction Through Geomechanics and Remote Sensing
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Investigator(s): Karen Daniels
Award Amount (Period): $362,327 (6-1-2019 to 5-31-2024)
The North Carolina Strategic Plan for Sustaining Military Readiness Through Conservation Partnership
Sponsor: US Fish and Wildlife Service
Investigator(s): Robert Bardon, Mary Addor, Georgina Sanchez, Jelena Vukomanovic
Award Amount (Period): $206,782 (10-15-2019 to 8-15-2023)
MMC APS High Frequency Monitoring Data
Sponsor: RTI International (Prime–Millennium Challenge Corporation)
Investigator(s): Josh Gray
Award Amount (Period): $15,000 (10-1-2019 to 5-30-2023)
FACT: Pigs, Poultry, the Planet, and Data-Driven Problem Solving (P4)
Sponsor: USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $475,600 (2-15-2019 to 2-14-2024)
Watershed Response To Land Use And Climate Change In Central North Carolina
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service
Investigator(s): Katherine Martin, Robert Abt
Award Amount (Period): $44,980 (5-22-2018 to 8-14-2023)
Can Strategic Riparian Buffers Improve Coastal Resilience to Changing Conditions in the Cape Fear River Watershed?
Sponsor: NCSU Sea Grant Program
Investigator(s): Katherine Martin, Ross K. Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $92,784 (2-1-2020 to 6-30-2023)
NCDOT Community Studies Geospatial Sandbox
Sponsor: NC Department of Transportation
Investigator(s): Okan Pala
Award Amount (Period): $389,408 (11-1-2019 to 10-31-2023)
Forecasting Fire Risk through Analysis of Past and Future Variability in Hydrologic Regimes & Integrate into South Florida Fire Danger Index
Sponsor: US National Park Service (Prime–US Dept. of Interior (DOI))
Investigator(s): Jelena Vukomanovic
Award Amount (Period): $110,800 (8-17-2020 to 8-31-2023)
SAFARIS Technical Agreement
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Yu Takeuchi, Chris Jones, Sheila Saia
Award Amount (Period): $350,210 (2-1-2023 to 1-31-2024)
Beginner-Intermediate Data Management and GIS Training for OAQPS Staff North Carolina State University
Sponsor: US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Investigator(s): Laura Belica, Jennifer Richmond-Bryant
Award Amount (Period): $18,000 (4-1-2023 to 12-31-2023)
Adding Economic Optimization Modules to the Eradication Analysis & Decision Support Tool
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) (Prime–US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA))
Investigator(s): Chris Jones, Ross Meentemeyer, Chelsey Walden-Schreiner, Yu Takeuchi
Award Amount (Period): $125,866 (8-1-2022 to 7-31-2023)
Longitudinal Analysis of US Golf Course Value
Sponsor: United States Golf Association
Investigator(s): Aaron Hipp, Kyle Bunds
Award Amount (Period): $85,611 (1-5-2023 to 1-5-2024)
Play Potential and Retention Value of Park and Playspace Attributes
Sponsor: University of Southern Denmark (Prime–KOMPAN, Inc.)
Investigator(s): Aaron Hipp, Jing Huang
Award Amount (Period): $89,763 (10-1-2022 to 12-1-2023)
PIPP Phase I: Real-time Analytics to Monitor and Predict Emerging Plant Disease
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Investigator(s): Jean Ristaino, Ignazio Carbone, Peter Ojiambo, Chris Jones, Kelly Zering, Laura Tateosian, Qingshan Wei, Raju Vatsavai, Ross K. Meentemeyer, Jason Delborne
Award Amount (Period): $1,000,000 (8-1-2022 to 1-31-2024)
Testing Inspection Strategies for the Cut Flower Release Program using PoPS Border Simulation
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS)
Investigator(s): Christopher Jones, Ross K. Meentemeyer, Yu Takeuchi
Award Amount (Period): $41,000 (9-1-2021 to 8-31-2022)
Develop Algorithms for Determining Optimal Pest Management Solutions
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS)
Investigator(s): Christopher Jones, Ross K. Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $131,989 (8-1-2021 to 7-31-2022)
Mapping Playspace Inequity in Three Locally-focused Colorado Communities
Sponsor: KABOOM! (Prime–The Colorado Health Foundation)
Investigator(s): James A. Hipp, Kyle Bunds
Award Amount (Period): $70,050 (7-1-2021 to 12-31-2022)
Gulf Research Program Early-Career Research Fellowship
Sponsor: National Academies
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $76,000 (9-1-2020 to 8-31-2022)
LSU Superfund Research Center – Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals
Sponsor: Louisiana State University (Prime–National Institutes of Health (NIH))
Investigator(s): Jennifer Richmond-Bryant
Award Amount (Period): $526,065 (2-1-2020 to 1-31-2023)
Eradication Analysis & Decision Support (eRADS)
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer, Chris Jones, Helena Mitasova
Award Amount (Period): $109,025 (8-1-2019 to 7-31-2022)
LANDIS Application to Forest Planning
Sponsor: US Forest Service
Investigator(s): Robert Scheller
Award Amount (Period): $39,607 (9-11-2017 to 9-1-2022)
CNH-L: Visualizing Forest Futures Under Climate Uncertainty: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge Into Decision Support Tools For Collaborative Decision Making
Sponsor: Pennsylvania State University (Prime–National Science Foundation (NSF))
Investigator(s): Robert Scheller
Award Amount (Period): $68,669 (4-1-2018 to 7-31-2022)
Development of a Tool to Forecast Closure of Shellfish Aquaculture Harvest Areas
Sponsor: NCSU Sea Grant Program
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $119,034 (2-1-2020 to 7-31-2022)
NGOMEX 2016: Synthesis and Integrated Modeling of Long-term Data Sets to Support Fisheries and Hypoxia Management in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Sponsor: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (Prime–US Dept. of Commerce (DOC))
Investigator(s): Daniel Obenour
Award Amount (Period): $470,651 (9-1-2016 to 8-31-2022)
Predicting Wildland Fire Behavior and Water Supply in Fire-affected Landscapes
Sponsor: USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Investigator(s): Katherine Martin, Robert Abt
Award Amount (Period): $195,000 (9-4-2019 to 8-31-2022)
SCC-RCN: Smart Civic Engagement in Rapidly Urbanizing Regions
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Investigator(s): Ross K. Meentemeyer; Co-PI: Helena Mitasova
Award Amount (Period): $499,847 (1-1-2018 to 12-31-2021)
GAPS (Geospatial Applications for Problem Solving) for Hi-Tech Teens
Sponsor: Burroughs Wellcome Fund Student Science Enrichment Program
Investigator(s): Eric Money, Kyle Bunds (PRT), Michael Evans (Friday Institute), Betsey McFarland (Wade Edwards Learning Lab), and David Chrest (RTI International)
Award Amount (Period): $175,006 (2-1-2017 to 8-31-2021)
Mapping Future Flood Probability Following Climate Change
Sponsor: NCSU Sea Grant Program
Investigator(s): Georgina Sanchez
Award Amount (Period): $10,000 (10-1-2020 to 9-30-2021)
Improving Scenarios of Future Patterns of Urbanization, Climate Adaptation, and Landscape Changes in the Southeast
Sponsor: US Geological Survey (USGS) (Prime–US Dept. of Interior (DOI))
Investigator(s): Ross K. Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $323,040 (4-19-2019 to 4-18-2022)
Environmental Outcomes by AmeriCorps Members: PLSC Evaluation Plan 2021-2024
Sponsor: Western Kentucky University (Prime–Corporation for National and Community Service)
Investigator(s): Chelsey Walden-Schreiner
Award Amount (Period): $64,447 (6-1-2022 to 3-16-2022)
Automated Host Mapping Tool and Interface for Spread Modeling and Field Operations Planning
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer, Christopher Jones
Award Amount (Period): $108,053 (8-1-2020 to 7-31-2021)
Managing Tangible Landscape
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer, Christopher Jones
Award Amount (Period): $110,080 (8-1-2020 to 7-31-2021)
Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA): A Framework for Monitoring, Prediction and Assessment to Support Decision-Makers Needs for Coastal and Ocean Data and Tools
Sponsor: Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association – SECOORA (Prime–National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA))
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $43,918 (1-15-2021 to 1-31-2022)
Indian River Lagoon Microalgae and Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring
Sponsor: University of Florida (Prime–US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA))
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $3,000 (10-14-2020 to 9-15-2021)
Assessing Controls on Nutrient Loading at the Watershed Scale through Data-Driven Modeling
Sponsor: NCSU Water Resources Research Institute
Investigator(s): Daniel Obenour, Sankar Arumugam, Helena Mitasova
Award Amount (Period): $59,999 (3-1-2020 to 12-31-2021)
Comprehensive Christmas Tree Management Using Drones
Sponsor: NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (Prime–US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA))
Investigator(s): Jeffery Owen, Justyna Jeziorska, Zachary Arcaro
Award Amount (Period): $122,800 (1-1-2020 to 12-31-2021)
Location Aware Approach to Creating Effective Public Outreach
Sponsor: NC Department of Transportation
Investigator(s): Okan Pala
Award Amount (Period): $229,360 (7-1-2019 to 12-31-2021)
Forecasting Landscape Change Across the Southern Appalachians
Sponsor: US Forest Service
Investigator(s): Robert Scheller
Award Amount (Period): $28,371 (5-30-2019 to 6-30-2021)
Geospatial Analytics for the Fire Management Offices of the National Capital, Northeast, and Southeast Regions of the National Park Service
Sponsor: US National Park Service (Prime–US Dept. of Interior (DOI))
Investigator(s): Jelena Vukomanovic, Justin Shedd
Award Amount (Period): $131,875 (8-15-2017 to 7-25-2021)
Interactive Analytics for Natural and Cultural Resource Management at Congaree National Park
Sponsor: US National Park Service (Prime–US Dept. of Interior (DOI))
Investigator(s): Jelena Vukomanovic, Justin Shedd
Award Amount (Period): $64,320 (9-10-2018 to 12-31-2021)
An Operational Multisource Land Surface Phenology Product from Landsat and Sentinel 2
Sponsor: Boston University (Prime–National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA))
Investigator(s): Josh Gray
Award Amount (Period): $224,184 (1-15-2018 to 1-14-2022)
A Tangible Landscape Framework to Support Spotted Lanternfly Program
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer, Chris Jones, Yu Takeuchi
Award Amount (Period): $80,000 (4-1-2021 to 9-30-2021)
Long-Distance Dispersal and Disease Outbreaks: Effects of Initial Prevalence, Basic Reproduction Number, and Control Tactics
Sponsor: Oregon State University (Prime–US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) – National Institute of Food and Agriculture)
Investigator(s): Ross K. Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $639,132 (9-1-2015 to 8-31-2021)
Monitoring Visitation at North Carolina Artificial Reef Sites using Very High-resolution Satellite Imagery (NC Space Grant Project; Shannon Ricci)
Sponsor: NC State University NC Space Grant Consortium
Investigator(s): DelWayne Bohnenstiehl
Award Amount (Period): $20,000 (6-1-2020 to 5-30-2021)
Sensor Integrated Platform for Monitoring Phytophthora
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Jean Ristaino, Qingshan Wei, Chris Jones
Award Amount (Period): $338,322 (7-1-2020 to 6-30-2022)
Translating and Disseminating Findings from RWJF’s Physical Activity Research
Sponsor: Baylor University (Prime–Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)
Investigator(s): Aaron Hipp, Myron Floyd
Award Amount (Period): $36,000 (8-15-2019 to 8-14-2020)
Water, Climate, and Food in the Anthropocene
Sponsor: NASA
Investigator(s): Josh Gray
Award Amount (Period): $266,809 (8-1-2016 to 7-31-2020)
A Web Platform for Mapping Global, Publication-based, Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs)
Sponsor: NCSU Center for Human Health and the Environment
Investigator(s): Helena Mitasova
Award Amount (Period): $23,633 (4-15-2020 to 4-15-2021)
Building Resilience by Innovating through Diverse Group Engagement: Long-term recovery from Hurricane Matthew
Sponsor: NCSU Sea Grant Program
Investigator(s): Bethany Cutts
Award Amount (Period): $119,979 (2-1-2018 to 12-30-2020)
Lake Tahoe West Expanded LANDIS Modeling
Sponsor: US Forest Service
Investigator(s): Robert Scheller
Award Amount (Period): $143,086 (9-15-2017 to 9-30-2020)
GIS Analysis of the Benefits of State and Private Forest Lands for Water Supply in the Southern United States
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service
Investigator(s): Stacy A. Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $131,284 (2-2-2018 to 12-31-2020)
Geomorphology and Geochronology of Artifact-bearing Late Quaternary Landforms Near Sweeney Pass, ABDSP (Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California)
Sponsor: Anza-Borrego Foundation
Investigator(s): Karl Wegmann
Award Amount (Period): $5,000 (10-1-2018 to 6-30-2020)
Evaluation of a Subcanopy Solar Radiation Model Under Real-Sky Conditions with Field Validation Measurements
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Investigator(s): Stacy Nelson, Laura Belica
Award Amount (Period): $14,001 (8-1-2018 to 7-31-2020)
Forecasting Plant Pest Spread Using Tangible Landscape Technology
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer, Chris Jones, Helena Mitasova
Award Amount (Period): $125,396 (7-1-2019 to 6-30-2020)
Geographic Information System Research and Development for the Northeast Region of the National Park Service
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer, William S. Slocumb
Award Amount (Period): $526,438 (9-11-2015 to 9-30-2020)
Characterizing Hydrologic Uplift Metrics to Support Restoration Decisions in North Carolina Watersheds
Sponsor: USGS (Prime: US Dept. of Interior)
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $70,155 (3-4-2019 to 3-3-2021)
Characterization and Geochronology of Climatically-Triggered Landslides along the Southern Blue Ridge Escarpment of North Carolina via Surficial and Bedrock Geologic Mapping
Sponsor: US Geological Survey (USGS)
Investigator(s): Karl Wegmann
Award Amount (Period): $17,497 (6-15-2019 to 12-14-2020)
High-resolution Dynamic Risk Mapping to Guide Timely Disease Interventions
Swine Health Information Center
Sponsor: Swine Health Information Center
Investigator(s): Gustavo Machado, Glen Almond, Juliana Bonin Ferreira, Ross Meentemeyer, Chris Jones
Award Amount (Period): $86,987 (8-1-2019 to 7-31-2020)
Evaluation of Pathways, Trends, and Risks to Improve Targeting
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Yu Takeuchi
Award Amount (Period): $100,000 (8-1-2019 to 7-31-2020)
Spatial Analytic Framework for Advanced Risk Information Systems (SAFARIS) – Technical Development
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Yu Takeuchi, Kathi Dello
Award Amount (Period): $466,671 (8-1-2019 to 7-31-2020)
Tangible Landscape Framework
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer, Chris Jones, Yu Takeuchi
Award Amount (Period): $300,000 (9-30-2019 to 9-29-2020)
Plant Pest Pathway Characterization with Pandemic Approach
Sponsor: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) – USDA
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer, Yu Takeuchi
Award Amount (Period): $230,817 (9-30-2019 to 9-29-2020)
Conservation Adaption Planning for Landscape and Climate Changes in the Southeast
Sponsor: USGS (Prime: US Dept. of Interior)
Investigator(s): Nils Peterson (Fisheries & Wildlife), Ross Meentemeyer (CGA), Fred Cubbage (FER)
Award Amount (Period): $982,765 (9-14-2015 to 9-13-2019)
Developing a Comprehensive Wildland Fire Geospatial Decision Support System for the National Park Services National Capital, Northeast, and Southeast Region’s Fire Programs
Sponsor: US National Park Service
Investigator(s): Ross K. Meentemeyer, Justin M. Shedd
Award Amount (Period): $713,457 (9-2-2014 to 10-31-2019)
Spatial Congruence between Biodiversity and other Ecosystem Services across Scales in a Managed Landscape Mosaic
Sponsor: University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign (Prime–US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) – National Institute of Food and Agriculture)
Investigator(s): Bethany Cutts
Award Amount (Period): $41,684 (5-15-2017 to 5-14-2020)
RAPID: Coastal Consequences of Engineered Water Control Systems: The Role of Freshwater Discharges in Florida’s Ongoing Harmful Algal Bloom Crises
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $121,624 (9-15-2018 to 2-29-2020)
Needs Assessment and Guidance to Define a Clear Vision for a Geospatial Mapping System to Service the Needs and Opportunities of the National Park Service – Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Branch and Related Programs
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Investigator(s): Aaron Hipp; Co-PIs: William Slocumb, Charlynne Smith, Raju Vatsavai, Smith, J. W. (Utah State University)
Award Amount (Period): $98,405 (9-16-2013 to 12-31-2019)
Harmful Algal Blooms in the Indian River Lagoon-North
Sponsor: University of Florida (Prime–US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA))
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $3,000 (10-1-2018 to 9-30-2019)
Johns Island Community Conservation Initiative: Ecosystem Services Mapping and Land Protection Toolkit
Sponsor: Lowcountry Land Trust (Prime–Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation)
Investigator(s): Jelena Vukomanovic
Award Amount (Period): $79,986 (2-1-2018 to 1-31-2020)
Geo-IDEAs: Geo-Innovation, DEveloping Analytic Solutions for Wake County
Sponsor: Wake County
Investigator(s): Perver Baran, Laura Tateosian
Award Amount (Period): $20,000 (8-15-2018 to 10-30-2019)
Spatiotemporal Reconstruction of Historical Swine CAFO Spread in North Carolina and Connections to Water Quality
Sponsor: NCSU Sea Grant Program
Investigator(s): Natalie Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $7,923 (3-1-2019 to 1-31-2020)
A Summer Workshop to Develop Teacher Aptitudes for Integrating Geospatial Science and Technologies in the Classroom
Sponsor: NCSU NC Space Grant Consortium
Investigator(s): Eric Money
Award Amount (Period): $19,849 (5-1-2019 to 9-30-2019)
Socio-ecological Solutions to the Salinization of Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula: An Interdisciplinary Assessment of Land and Water Resources and Community Climate Readiness
Sponsor: NC State University, College of Natural Resources
Investigator(s): Emanuel, R., Seekamp, E., Dasmohapatra, S., Moorman, C., & Smith, J. W.
Award Amount (Period): $815,929 (2015 – 2018)
Powering Energy Efficiency & Impacts Framework: Mapping a comprehensive regional energy strategy for Upper Coastal Plain Council of Government Region (PEEIF)
Sponsor: Upper Coastal Plain Council of Governments; US Dept. of Energy
Investigator(s): Charlynne Smith, William Slocumb, and Ross K. Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $103,396 (10-1-2016 to 9-30-2018)
Simulating Emerging Urban Spatial Patterns for Assessing Future Water-Use Scenarios
Sponsor: USGS (Prime: US Dept. of Interior)
Investigator(s): Ross K. Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $40,000 (7-1-2016 to 6-30-2018)
Developing Tangible Landscape GIS Tools to Better Inform Management Decisions: Sudden Oak Death Collaborative Management Planning for the Oregon – California Border
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service
Investigator(s): Ross K. Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $40,000 (7-22-2016 to 12-31-2018)
Using Repeat Lidar Surveys and Multi-Temporal Satellite Data to Evaluate Vegetation Responses to Sea Level Rise and Saltwater Intrusion
Sponsor: Sea Grant Program
Investigator(s): Ross K. Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $10,000 (9-1-2016 to 8-31-2017)
Informing plans for managing resources of Cape Lookout National Seashore under projected climate change, sea level rise, and associated impacts
Sponsor: National Park Service
Investigator(s): Seekamp, E., & Smith, J. W.
Award Amount (Period): $125,000 (2014 – 2016)
Building climate readiness in nature-based tourism-dependent coastal communities
Sponsor: Minnesota Sea Grant
Investigator(s): Davenport, M. A., Enzler, S., Nieber, J., Wilson, B., Messer, C., Kanazawa, M., Seekamp, E., & Smith, J. W.
Award Amount (Period): $183,232 (2014 – 2016)
Collaborative Research: Interacting Disturbances: Leaf to Landscape Dynamics of Emerging Disease, Fire and Drought in California Coastal Forests
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $2,500,000 (11-22-2013 to 8-31-2016)
Phase 6 GIS Database Development for the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail (CESU)
Sponsor: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit – Piedmont-South Atlantic Coast (Prime–US Dept. of Interior (DOI))
Investigator(s): R. Meentemeyer and Smith, C.T.
Award Amount (Period): $16,173 (2015 – 2017)
Development and Implementation of Cultural Resources GIS Data Integration
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $45,000 (8-29-2013 to 9-30-2016)
SMART-SLEUTH: Augmenting the SLEUTH Urban Growth Model with New Smart-Growth Scenario-Building Capabilities
Sponsor: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in conjunction with the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Investigator(s): Ross Meentemeyer
Award Amount (Period): $146,406 (3-1-2013 to 2-28-2015)
Federal Lands Transportation Program: Roads GIS Mapping for USACE
Sponsor: US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) – National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Investigator(s): Ross K. Meentemeyer, Charlynne T. Smith
Award Amount (Period): $75,000 (2014 – 2015)
Developing Archive Structures and Automated Mapping Elements for Spatial Fire Management Plans
Sponsor: National Interagency Fire Center – National Park Service
Investigator(s): Ross K. Meentemeyer, Justin M. Shedd
Award Amount (Period): $75,000 (2014 – 2015)
Contingent valuation of the aesthetic and acoustic impacts of multiple ecological disturbances
Sponsor: NC State University, College of Natural Resources
Investigator(s): Smith, J. W., Slocumb, B., & Smith, C. T.
Award Amount (Period): $4,000 (2014 – 2015)
GIS Research and Development for the Northeast Region of the National Park Service
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Award Amount (Period): $296,850 (8-15-2013 to 8-14-2015)
Use of GPS enabled smartphone technology for inventorying and monitoring resource conditions in urban park settings
Sponsor: NC State University, College of Natural Resources
Investigator(s): McAreavy, D., & Smith, J. W.
Award Amount (Period): $500 (2013 – 2014)
Geographic Information System Research and Development for the Northeast Region of the National Park Service
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Award Amount (Period): $159,920 (8-9-2013 to 8-14-2014)
Enterprise GIS Decision Support Models and Web Mapping System to Support the NPS Hurricane Sandy Recovery Efforts
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Award Amount (Period): $39,999 (7-25-2013 to 12-31-2013)
Phase 5 GIS Database Development for the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Award Amount (Period): $25,898 (8-20-2013 to 4-30-2014)
SAFEGUARD: A New Global Approach to Space Threats
Sponsor: International Space University
Investigator(s): Joseph Pelton, Siamak Khorram, Scott Madry
Award Amount (Period): (2013-2014)
Collaborative Assessment of the National Park Service Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Branch and Related Public Service Programs (Needs Assessment and Guidance to Define a Clear Vision for a Geospatial Mapping System-to Service the Needs and Opportunities of the National Park Service)
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Investigator(s): Jordan Smith, Hugh Devine, William Slocumb, Charlynne Smith
Award Amount (Period): $20,000 (9-19-2013 to 8-31-2014)
Demonstration/Validation of the Unit Stream Power Erosion and Deposition (USPED) Model
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture – Forest Service
Investigator(s): Helena Mitasova
Award Amount (Period): $61,835 (6-18-2013 to 9-20-2014)
Capacity Building — Phase III Increasing the Pool for the Development of a Multicultural Workforce and Connection to Underserved Communities across the US
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Investigator(s): Stacy Nelson, Barry Goldfarb
Award Amount (Period): $74,999 (6-26-2013 to 8-15-2015)
Capacity Building — Phase IV Increasing the Pool for the Development of a Multicultural Workforce and Connection to Underserved Communities across the US
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Investigator(s): Stacy Nelson, Barry Goldfarb
Award Amount (Period): $74,997 (6-26-2013 to 8-15-2015)
Climate Change Internship (Training)
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Investigator(s): Stacy Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $90,000 (9-15-2013 to 9-15-2014)
Forest Vegetation Simulator Processing
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture – Forest Service
Investigator(s): James McCarter
Award Amount (Period): $95,006 (8-27-2013 to 4-30-2014)
Development of New Geospatial Tools for Wildland Fire Management and Risk Reduction
Sponsor: NASA
Investigator(s): Siamak Khorram, Greg Biging, Peng Gong, Matthew Potts, Max Moritz
Award Amount (Period): $163,324 (10-1-2012 to 3-30-2015)
Supporting Climate Change Science Needs for Early Adopters of the 2012 Planning Rule
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Investigator(s): Stacy Nelson, Barry Goldfarb
Award Amount (Period): $73,681 (8-1-2012 to 8-14-2014)
Capacity Building — Phase II Increasing the Pool for the Development of a Multicultural Workforce and Connection to Underserved Communities across the US
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Investigator(s): Stacy Nelson, Barry Goldfarb
Award Amount (Period): $74,642 (8-13-2102 to 5-14-2014)
Hydrological Modeling for Flow-Ecology Science in the Southeastern U.S.
Sponsor: U.S. Geological Survey
Investigator(s): Stacy Nelson
Award Amount (Period): $39,113 (9-17-2012 to 6-30-2014)
Spatial Database Development for Wake County Advocates for Health in Action (AHA) Access and Environment Workgroup: Phase 2
Sponsor: Wake Med Health and Hospitals
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Award Amount (Period): $10,022 (2-1-2011 to 1-31-2012)
Fire GIS Decision Support System for the National Park Service National Capital, Northeast, and Southeast Region’s Fire Programs
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Award Amount (Period): $456,268 (8-30-2011 to 12-31-2014)
Phase 4 GIS Database Development for the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Award Amount: $29,139 (7-11-2011 to 6-30-2012)
Terrain Dynamics Analysis Using Space-time Domain Hypersurfaces and Gradient Trajectories Derived From Time Series of 3D Point Clouds
Investigator(s): Helena Mitasova
Sponsor: U.S. Army – Army Research Office
Award Amount: $245,999 (4-1-2011 to 9-30-2014)
Visualization of Terrain Evolution: from Animations to Space-Time Cube
Investigator(s): Laura Tateosian, Helena Mitasova, Margery Overton
Sponsor: Renaissance Computing Center
Award Amount: $12,000 (1-1-2011 to 12-31-2011)
Capacity Building – Increasing the Pool for the Development of a Multicultural Workforce: Supporting Climate Change Science Needs for Early Adopters of 2012 Planning Rule
Investigator(s): Stacy Nelson, Barry Goldfarb, Daniel Robison
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Award Amount: $74,000 (8-11-2011 to 2-14-2013)
Middle School Sport Facilities: Policies, Physical Activity, and Cost Effectiveness
Investigator(s): Michael Kanters, Jason Bocarro, Hugh Devine, Chrystos Siderelis, Jonathan Casper
Sponsor: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Award Amount: $100,000 (1-15-2010 to 1-14-2011)
The Southern Fire Exchange: Putting Fire Science On The Ground
Investigator(s): Joseph Roise, Hugh Devine, Justin Shedd, Susan Moore, Toddi Steelman
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Award Amount: $172,014 (8-30-2010 to 11-30-3013)
Virtual Forest Management Plan – Online Polygon Capture Project
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Sponsor: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Award Amount: $38,700 (11-15-2010 to 5-15-2011)
Mapping Marsh Condition on Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge and Fishing Bay Wildlife Management Area
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Sponsor: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Award Amount: $36,837 (7-16-2010 to 2-28-2012)
BETSMap: Location Intelligence for Food Safety and Defense
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Sponsor: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Award Amount: $56,566 (11-15-2010 to 8-31-2011)
High Definition Survey System for Rapid Monitoring of Terrain Dynamics: Maintenance Requirements and Accessory Equipment
Investigator(s): Helena Mitasova
Sponsor: U.S. Army – Army Research Office
Award Amount: $14,737 (8-23-2010 to 8-22-2011)
Spatial Database Development for Wake County Advocates for Health in Action (AHA) Access and Environment Workgroup
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Sponsor: Wake Med Health and Hospitals
Award Amount: $20,464 (1-1-2009 to 12-31-2009)
Understand Urban and Community Forests Contributions to Physical Activity and Health
Investigator(s): Myron Floyd, Perver Baran, Melissa McHale, Yu-Fai Leung, Dorothy Anderson, Karla Henderson, Hugh Devine
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Award Amount: $148,752 (11-1-2009 to 1-30-2014)
Vegetation Map Accuracy Assessment for Gauley River National Recreation Area. (CESU)
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Award Amount: $35,338 (6-17-2009 to 2-28-2010)
Phase 3 GIS Database Development for the OVNHT (CESU)
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Award Amount: $22,995 (9-9-2009 to 6-30-2010)
Terrain/Landscape Monitoring, Dynamics, and Sustainability
Investigator(s): Helena Mitasova
Sponsor: U.S. Army – Army Research Office
Award Amount: $143,000 (4-15-2009 to 5-31-2012)
Decision Support System for the Northeast and National Capital Region Fire Programs
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Award Amount: $485,941 (9-5-2008 to 6-30-2012)
Natural Resource Data Management and Database Development for the Mid-Atlantic Network of the NER (CESU)
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Award Amount: $60,500 (9-15-2008 to 12-31-2010)
Geographic Information System Research and Development for the Northeast Region of the National Park Service
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Award Amount: $670,093 (9-2-2008 to 9-1-2013)
Review of Selected Natural Resource Research Data For the Northeast Region Inventory and Monitoring Program (CESU)
Investigator(s): Hugh Devine
Sponsor: U.S. National Park Service
Award Amount: $201,988 (9-5-2008 to 1-31-2010)
On-the-fly Scene-dependent ATR
Investigator(s): Wesley Snyder, Siamak Khorram
Sponsor: US Air Force – Office of Scientific Research
Award Amount: $361,188 (12-1-2008 to 5-31-2010)
Scalable Techniques for High Resolution Elevation Data Analysis & Modeling
Investigator(s): Helena Mitasova
Sponsor: U.S. Army – Army Research Office
Award Amount: $160,001 (9-15-2008 to 9-14-2012)
High Definition Surveying System for Monitoring Terrain Dynamics
Investigator(s): Helena Mitasova
Sponsor: U.S. Army – Army Research Office
Award Amount: $64,478 (6-15-2008 to 6-14-2009)