Hugh Devine
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. Post Doctoral Study. 1975-1977
- National Forest Planning Methodolgies
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. Ph.D. 1975
- Major: Operations Research/Forest Resources
- Minor: Resource Economics
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. M.S. 1972
- Major: Forest Recreation
- Minor: Operations Research
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. B.S. 1970
- Forest Resource Management
Recent Courses Taught
- PRT 462
- NR 531
- NR 535
- NR 533
Selected Presentations
“LITRE: Learning in a Technology Rich Environment”, NC State University EDTECH Forum, Raleigh, NC (Featured Speaker)
“New Technologies for GIS Databases in Natural Resources”, Natural Resource Data Managers Workshop, Fort Collins, CO.
“Data Models for NPS Natural Resource Inventories”, Natural Resource Data Managers Workshop, Fort Collins, CO.
“Natural Resource Data Management Planning for National Parks”, Northeast Region Natural Resource Inventorying and Monitoring Workshop, Kingston, RI (Featured Speaker)
“Accessing Natural Resource Data Through a GIS Model”, Northeast Region GIS Annual Meeting, State College, PA.
“GIS Partnerships”, GIS Partnerships in Teaching and Learning Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Selected Honors and Awards
Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor – 2011
University Community Engaged Faculty Fellow – 2011
Distinguished Service Award – Institute of Advance Analytics – 2009
Elected to the Academy of Outstanding Faculty Engaged in Extension – 2009
University Alumni Outstanding Extension Service Award – 2009
University Outstanding Extension Service Award – 2009
- Hydrologic Web-Mapping Application of Hofmann Forest with GIS Approach: Case Study , JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING (2015)
- Geospatial analytics for federally managed tourism destinations and their demand markets , Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (2015)
- An Open Source Web-Mapping System for Tourism Planning and Marketing , Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing (2014)
- Using a GIS and GIS-Assisted Water Quality Model to Analyze the Deterministic Factors for Lead and Copper Corrosion in Drinking Water Distribution Systems , Journal of Environmental Engineering (2014)
- Who's Watching Your Food? A Flexible Framework for Public Health Monitoring1 , Transactions in GIS (2012)
- Assessing embedded geospatial student learning outcomes in forestry and natural resources curricula , Journal of Forestry (2011)
- Data integration of pavement markings: A case in transportation asset management , Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (2009)
- Landscape-scale prediction of hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae (Homoptera : Adelgidae), infestation in the southern Appalachian Mountains , ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY (2006)