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Thank you so much for your interest in the College of Natural Resources at NC State University!

Discover exciting features that the College of Natural Resources has to offer here.

Interested in visiting? Set up a personal visit and check out our upcoming events!

Also, be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to follow the amazing things our students, faculty, and staff are doing.

If you are interested in majors outside of the College of Natural Resources, we encourage you to fill out this Interest Form found on the NC State Admissions page.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you again for your interest!

Recruitment Team


Join us as we work toward a better world.

Take an inside look at our student experience, and how we turn bright ideas into innovative natural resources solutions.

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In our sustainable materials and technology program, students learn how to create and manipulate materials derived from renewable, most often plant-based, natural resources. 🌱 🧪

Junior Haley Jenkins (@haley.jenkiins) talks about what drew her to the program and offers advice for students considering majoring in the program.