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Academic Advising


The College of Natural Resources is committed to supporting a student’s academic and professional journeys. Academic Advising is an integral part of that experience. As a result, each student who enters the College of Natural Resources will be assigned an Academic Advisor.  Advisors are essential to assisting students with achieving academic and professional success post-graduation. Advisors are knowledgeable about university resources and policies and can help students get connected to campus career readiness resources.  During a student’s undergraduate experience,  advisors can also help students map out their academic plans.  

The Advising Relationship

CNR views advising as a partnership between the student and the advisor.  While the advisor may be knowledgeable about university policies and resources, their role is to not decide what a student should do.   Advisors do not “prescribe” answers; rather, they prompt students with questions or resources that they can utilize. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up on suggestions and referrals, so they reach their personal, academic, and career goals.

Each student has unique interests, abilities, and values which will dictate which steps are best for them. Additionally, while academic advising is a collaborative process, the ultimate responsibility for a student’s educational experience lies with the student. It is recommended for advisors and students to communicate frequently about personal goals, major/ career interests, and questions regarding academic plans. 

Taking Ownership of your Education

Your advisor plays an important support role in your undergraduate journey, but ultimately you as the student are responsible for the choices you make regarding your education. It is so very essential that you are an active participant in understanding your degree requirements, any academic deadlines, and university policies. If you have questions about any of these areas, please reach out to your academic advisor for support. 

Here are some academic resources that we encourage you to monitor during your time at NC State University. 

Student Responsibilities

  • Play an active role in the advising relationships, by communicating needs and asking questions. 
  • Regularly check your NC State email account for updates from the advisor and important university information while responding to requests and inquiries in a timely manner. 
  • Schedule and keep appointments with the advisor. Additional appointments may be required based on the student’s academic standing and status.
  • Inform your advisor about your academic progress, and schedule adjustments, and share any questions, issues, or concerns in a timely manner.
  • Monitoring the Academic Calendar dates and deadlines 
  • Reviewing and following the 8-semester displays for your academic program

The Advisor’s Responsibilities

  • To provide you with information about academic requirements and procedures to help you plan your academic program. 
  • To provide you with information about academic requirements and procedures
  • To assist you to plan your academic program
  • To help you as you think about what you’d like to do after graduation and how you can best prepare yourself for your future career
  • Release advising hold for the semester

Advising Meetings

Each semester students should plan to meet with their academic advisor at least once to discuss their academic plan and plan for the upcoming semesters. This conversation is the time to discuss your interest in study abroad Internships, finding research opportunities, and even career interests. Make sure to share if you are experiencing difficulties in your courses, or if you need to modify your course load for a future semester due to work or other external commitments.  Additionally, you will connect with your academic advisor prior to registering for the following semester’s coursework.

During the registration advising season (October- November & March – April) please plan to address future coursework, your academic plan, career goals, current grades, and any campus resources you may need. If registration advising requirements are met then your “Term Advisement Hold” will be released so you can register.

Finding your advisor

Your academic advisor will be listed in your My Pack Portal. If you need assistance in locating your advisor please follow these directions.


  • Log into MyPack Portal > Student Homepage > Planning & Enrollment tile > Advisors tab (left-hand navigation menu)
  • If you do not see your advisor listed, you can contact your academic program’s Advising Coordinator below.

Advising Coordinators

MajorAdvising CoordinatorEmailPhone Number
College of Natural Resources Jordan McMicanJordan_McMican@ncsu.edu919.515.5741
Environmental First Year Program

Incoming first-year students in the following majors will participate in the Environmental First-Year program: Environmental Science, Environmental Technology and Management, Forest Management, Fisheries, and Wildlife Conservation Biology, and Natural Resources.
Kaly Wallkaly_wall@ncsu.edu919.515.6070
Environmental Technology, and ManagementDr. Angela Allenamallen2@ncsu.edu919.515.7581
Environmental SciencesErin Championeachampi@ncsu.edu919.513.2520
Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation BiologyA. Nicole Mihnovetsanmihnov@ncsu.edu919.515.3617
Forest ManagementDr. Gary Blankgblank@ncsu.edu919.515.7566
Natural ResourcesDr. Rajan Parajulirparaju@ncsu.edu919.515.1553
Parks, Recreation, and Tourism ManagementJanell Moretzprtm-undergraduate-affairs@ncsu.edu919.513.1596
Paper Science and EngineeringDr. Med Byrd
Angie Rush (Freshmen)
Sport ManagementJanell Moretzprtm-undergraduate-affairs@ncsu.edu919.513.1596

Sports Management: Professional Golf ManagementDr. Rob Waderwwade@ncsu.edu919.515.4515
Sustainable Materials and TechnologyDr. Ilona Peszlenilona_peszlen@ncsu.edu919.515.1265