Hasan Jameel
Area(s) of Expertise
Pulp and paper unit processes, pulping process analysis, pulping and bleaching, process modification, bioenergy and biochemical, process modeling and economic analysis
- Angle-dependent and liquid-responsive photonic crystals for anti-counterfeiting and optical sensing , CRYSTENGCOMM (2025)
- Comprehensive lignin balance and new insights into softwood lignosulphonates from neutral sulphite pulping , INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS (2025)
- A Multi-Criteria Approach for Quantifying the Impact of Global Megatrends on the Pulp and Paper Industry: Insights into Digitalization, Social Behavior Change, and Sustainability , LOGISTICS-BASEL (2024)
- Assessing and predicting the softness of hygiene tissue containing alternative fibers , CELLULOSE (2024)
- Beyond cotton and polyester: An evaluation of emerging feedstocks and conversion methods for the future of fashion industry , Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts (2024)
- Carbon footprint and techno-economic analysis to decarbonize the production of linerboard via fuel switching in the lime kiln and boiler: Development of a marginal abatement cost curve , BioResources (2024)
- Development of multifunctional sustainable packaging from acetylated cellulose micro-nanofibrils (CMNF) , CARBOHYDRATE POLYMER TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS (2024)
- Evaluating chemi-mechanical pulping processes of agricultural residues: High-yield pulps from wheat straw for fiber-based bioproducts , INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS (2024)
- From waste to advanced resource: Techno-economic and life cycle assessment behind the integration of polyester recycling and glucose production to valorize fast fashion garments , CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL (2024)
- Life focycle assessment of Brazilian bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp: Integrating bleaching processes and biogenic carbon impacts , CLEANER ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS (2024)
Our proposal will address all three ICPF priority areas. We will ensure that students learn and perform structural design, prototyping, and techno-economic analysis to understand how design, material types/additives, and processes (analog vs. digital) affects product performances, economics, and sustainability aspect. We will also encourage students to take elective courses in sales and marketing.
We propose an integrated technology of low capital intensity that will capture, utilize,and sequester CO2 in wood pulping processes. CO2 will be utilized by converting two waste streams to mineral carbonate fertilizer. The carbon in the mineral carbonates is derived from CO2 generated in recovery boilers and lime kilns. Excess CO2 that is not utilized as fertilizer will be pumped deep underground into suitable geological reservoirs for permanent sequestration. Retrofitting lime kilns to oxy-fuel will enable low-cost generation of high purity CO2. If fully implemented at every large chemical pulp mill in the United States, approximately 14 million metric tons of CO2 will be captured, utilized, and sequestered per year.
Testing services agreement to produce and evaluate dissolving pulp from old corrugated containers
This project will focus on rapid/real-time analysis of domestic heterogeneous municipal biomass waste utilizing AI-Enabled Hyperspectral Imaging for developing conversion ready feedstock into cost effective and sustainable biofuel for selling price under $2.50 per gallon gasoline equivalent (GGE) by 2030. Municipal solid waste (MSW) is considered as an abundant potential source for biomass. This biomass, if used as a feedstock for fuel conversion operation will promote the sustainable fuel production and lower the prices. The heterogeneity of the MSW based on locations and time period can affect the biofuels or bioproducts. Therefore, the characterization of the MSW feedstock at macro and microlevel in terms of chemical and physical composition, at different speeds of conveyor system, at different times and collection sites will be studied.
We will improve and validate the critical unit operations needed for producing high-value carbon materials (graphite and hard carbon) used for lithium ion and sodium ion batteries from a faction of the biocrude produced by biomass fast pyrolysis. This work will bring together two innovations, 1) production of high-value carbon materials from the biocrude heavy residues fraction, which are often difficult to convert into biofuels, and 2) process innovations that should lower the costs for producing these high-value carbons. In order to produce high-value carbons, the biocrude residues are sequentially heated to remove volatiles and oxygen, polymerize the biomass carbons into graphene sheets, and in a second step form either highly crystalline graphite or disordered hard carbon. The graphite can be used in as drop-in anode material in existing commercial lithium ion battery (LIB) applications such as portable electronics and electric vehicles (EVs), while the hard carbon can be used in emerging and advancing battery applications, such as sodium ion battery (SIB) for grid electrochemical energy storage and LIB for hybrid batteries in EV with high capacity and good rate capability. The team has demonstrated that both graphite and hard carbon can be produced from pyrolysis biocrudes at laboratory scale and has measured their electrochemical performance in batteries. This work will optimize the range of operating parameters, with a focus on the complex interactions between the chemical changes and the heat and mass transfer characteristics of the reactor and increase the production scale to obtain mass and energy balances that are relevant for modeling commercial potential. The performance of the carbon materials will be evaluated to define their values in commercial systems. Both techno-economics (TEA) and life cycle analysis (LCA) will be performed to understand the economic and environmental impact of the proposed technology. Preliminary revenue analysis suggests diverting 15-25% of the biocrude, essentially all of the heavy and less valuable fraction, into high-value carbons like graphite or hard carbon can significantly improve the profits of a biorefinery and lower the cost of making biofuels. The goal of this project is to optimize and scale-up the process for producing graphite and hard carbon that meet the requirement for LIB and SIB, respectively. Performance specification will be measured, including electrochemical performance under varying conditions (e.g., operating voltage range, current density, and c-rate) using coin-type and pouch cells. We will use a suite of advanced analytical tools to develop a more detailed understanding of 1) how the chemical composition of biocrude and the carbonization process impact the macromolecular ordering of the final products and 2) how the changes in carbon structure influence on the ion storage behavior (e.g., (de)insertion and adsorption/desorption) and subsequent electrochemical performance. In addition to the performance of the carbon materials, we will determine yields in order to close the mass and energy balances of the process. This data will be used to conduct rigorous TEA and LCA models to demonstrate the target FOA metrics such as $3.00/GGE fuel selling price and 60% reduction in emission. Successful completion of the scale up of bio-based graphite and hard carbon production will enable commercialization of these processes and will have an important impact on several sustainable technologies, 1) the low cost biocrude, the bio-based graphite will reduce the cost for LIB that can be used in EVs, 2) the low cost of hard carbon production will enable SIB for energy grid storage and LIB for advanced batteries for EVs, supporting continued growth of PV and wind electricity generation, and 3) commercial production of graphite and hard carbon as biorefinery co-products will improve the overall economics of producing biofuels.
The purpose of the Consortium on Sustainable and Alternative Fibers Initiative (SAFI) is to develop fundamental and applied research on the use of alternative and sustainable fibers for the manufacturing of market pulp, hygiene products and nonwovens. The idea for SAFI has grown out of societal needs for alternative yet sustainable materials. SAFI will study the potential of alternative fibers based on technical (performance), sustainable and economic principles. This enhancement project aligns with the goals and mission of SAFI and aims to harbor novel genome editing technologies to advance the development of new fiber feedstocks with unique properties to improve pulp production.
The hygiene tissue industry (bath tissue and kitchen towel) is an annual 39 million tons - USD 100 billion - global market with a forecast to grow ~ 3% per year for the next decade [38], [39]. Most hygiene tissue paper grades require the use of both long and short virgin fibers, which provide strength and softness respectively [8]. As an effect of global megatrends, the demand for non-woody biomass for tissue manufacturing will continue to increase [40], and agricultural biomass, which is perceived to be a sustainable option, can be an important source of short fibers for the tissue industry [41]. Therefore, the need to research and create knowledge on the handling and conversion of biomass sorghum and switchgrass to produce sustainable and high-end fiber furnish for the hygiene tissue industry. The proposed feedstock can be established to supply fiber at industrial scale.
An ethanologenic, WT, non-GMO strain of yeast from Rayonier will be assessed for viability. If viable, cells will be propagated and cultured for further fermentation work. A multitude of culture tubes will be placed in a -80C freezer for preservation. A liquid sample from an existing pulp mill, termed ����������������liquor���������������, will be characterized and assessed for biotoxicity. The soluble sugars in the liquor will be fermented to ethanol using RYAM������������������s yeast strain. If needed, commercially available yeast, such as Ethanol Red, will also be used per RYAM������������������s instruction. A series of process variables, as prescribed by RYAM, will be assessed to identify optimal parameters for ethanol productivity and yield.
The purpose of the Consortium on Sustainable and Alternative Fibers Initiative (SAFI) is to develop fundamental and applied research on the use of alternative and sustainable fibers for the manufacturing of market pulp, hygiene products and nonwovens. The idea for SAFI has grown out of societal needs for alternative yet sustainable materials. SAFI will study the potential of alternative fibers based on technical (performance), sustainable and economic principles.
CESMII, the Smart Manufacturing Institute, has developed a Smart Manufacturing Platform��������������� for setting up and operating data contextualization, visualization, analytics, model comparison, and control. The standards for this Platform��������������� are being developed with CESMII������������������s members across the industry. CESMII now has asked NC State to create a Smart Manufacturing Innovation Center (SMIC) to deploy, develop, and demonstrate the Smart Manufacturing Platform���������������. Technical design of the implementation would be by a separate contract with Avid Solutions, a systems integrator in Morrisville, NC. The requested budget for Year 2020 Quarter 1 is the first step to establish NCSU as a SMIC and to connect NCSU������������������s strategic manufacturing testbed assets to CESMII������������������s SM Platform���������������.