Sunkyu Park
Jordan Family Distinguished Professor & University Faculty Scholar
Pulp & Paper Labs 3207
– Biorefinery and Pulp&Paper process integration (mass and energy balance) and its techno-economic analysis
– Process development for biomass biochemical treatment (pretreatment, mechanical refining, enzymatic hydrolysis)
– Process development for biomass thermal treatment (pyrolysis, torrefaction)
– Dissolving pulp characterization and application
- 2021 ~ current Professor, North Carolina State University
- 2017 ~ 2021 E.J. Woody Rice Associate Professor, North Carolina State University
- 2015 ~ 2017 Associate Professor, North Carolina State University
- 2011 ~ 2017 Adjunct Professor, Seoul National University
- 2009 ~ 2015 Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University
- 2006, Ph.D., Pulp and Paper, North Carolina State University
- 2001, M.S., Pulp and Paper, Seoul National University, Korea
- 1997, B.S., Forest Products, Seoul National University, Korea
- FB 760 Engineering Unit Operations for Biomass Conversion
- FB 595 Special Topic: Bioenergy Science and Engineering
- PSE 425 Bioenergy and Biomaterials Engineering
- PSE 417 Pulp and Paper Process Simulation
Research Interests
Growing concerns over climate change and the desire to stimulate a sustainable economy have renewed the urgency for developing substantial replacement of fossil feedstocks with renewable resources. Chemical and other commodity industries are gradually shifting from relying on petroleum to lignocellulosic biomass as feedstocks. To make biorefinery financially attractive, it is critically important to co-produce high-value chemicals and materials in addition to biofuel production. This lesson is clear from the petroleum industry in which petro-based chemical production generates similar cash value to fuel production, while only ~16% of crude oil is used for chemical production.
Our research at NC State University covers a broad spectrum of biorefinery development and is focused on the fundamental understanding of lignocellulosic biomass reactivity and engineering process development for both biochemical and thermochemical conversion processes into biofuels, biochemicals, and biomaterials. Please check our publications to follow research trends.
Area(s) of Expertise
Biorefinery development for biochemical and thermochemical conversion processes into biofuels, biochemicals, and biomaterials.
- Catalyst-recirculating system in steam explosion pretreatment for producing high-yield of xylooligosaccharides from oat husk , CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS (2024)
- Catalytic graphitization of pyrolysis oil for anode application in lithium-ion batteries , GREEN CHEMISTRY (2024)
- Effects of hydrogen peroxide and sodium nitrate on microwave-assisted polyethylene oxidative degradation in the presence of nitric acid , CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL (2024)
- Exploring potential of cellulose acetate sulfate films for sustainable packaging: tuning characteristics via sulfate group variation , CELLULOSE (2024)
- Kinetic assessment of pulp mill-derived lime mud calcination in high CO2 atmosphere , FUEL (2024)
- Life-Cycle Assessment of Sustainable Aviation Fuel Derived from Paper Sludge , ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING (2024)
- Phenolic Resin Derived Hard Carbon Anode for Sodium-Ion Batteries: A Review , ACS ENERGY LETTERS (2024)
- Scale-Up of a Two-Stage Cu-Catalyzed Alkaline-Oxidative Pretreatment of Hybrid Poplar , INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH (2024)
- Single-Component Cellulose Acetate Sulfate Hydrogels for Direct Ink Writing 3D Printing , BIOMACROMOLECULES (2024)
- Techno-economic analysis of biomass value-added processing informed by pilot scale de-ashing of paper sludge feedstock , BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY (2024)
Interdisciplinary Doctoral Education Program will be created to focus on Renewable Polymer production using Forest Resources to Replace Plastics. PDs from three colleges will work together to train three Ph.D. students.
This proposal aims to develop bi-functional oxygen and CO2 sorbents for chemical looping gasification of solids wastes with in-situ syngas conditioning. The novel material and gasification system will eliminate the needs for air separation and syngas conditioning/separation operations. The resulting syngas can readily be used for methane formation. A circulating fluidized bed gasification system and suitable bi-functional sorbents will be developed and demonstrated.
We propose an integrated technology of low capital intensity that will capture, utilize,and sequester CO2 in wood pulping processes. CO2 will be utilized by converting two waste streams to mineral carbonate fertilizer. The carbon in the mineral carbonates is derived from CO2 generated in recovery boilers and lime kilns. Excess CO2 that is not utilized as fertilizer will be pumped deep underground into suitable geological reservoirs for permanent sequestration. Retrofitting lime kilns to oxy-fuel will enable low-cost generation of high purity CO2. If fully implemented at every large chemical pulp mill in the United States, approximately 14 million metric tons of CO2 will be captured, utilized, and sequestered per year.
Abstract: With the inevitable coming of the Green Economy, biomass valorization, use of renewable and bio-based materials and development of high-performance, recyclable, biodegradable and biocompatible products are nowadays������������������ challenges and opportunities to welcome a more sustainable society. Yet, to hasten its arrival, we must answer the daunting question of how we transform these challenges to opportunities? By educating new generations of students to the multiplicity of opportunities or ����������������multiverse��������������� of biomass, from a scientific and engineering perspective to an entrepreneurial vision. The Department of Forest Biomaterials has decades of expertise in conversion and valorization of biomass into new fuels/energies and high-performance biomaterials that offer solutions to greenhouse gas emissions, environmental and aquatic pollution and waste accumulation.We propose to leverage our graduate curriculum by adding an entrepreneurial and business competency to its strong scientific and engineering core. Our envisioned integrated program aims at educating Master and PhD students from NC State University, and others (via an online version) by training them in the principles, practices and methodologies of biomass valorization, conversion, and usage.
We will improve and validate the critical unit operations needed for producing high-value carbon materials (graphite and hard carbon) used for lithium ion and sodium ion batteries from a faction of the biocrude produced by biomass fast pyrolysis. This work will bring together two innovations, 1) production of high-value carbon materials from the biocrude heavy residues fraction, which are often difficult to convert into biofuels, and 2) process innovations that should lower the costs for producing these high-value carbons. In order to produce high-value carbons, the biocrude residues are sequentially heated to remove volatiles and oxygen, polymerize the biomass carbons into graphene sheets, and in a second step form either highly crystalline graphite or disordered hard carbon. The graphite can be used in as drop-in anode material in existing commercial lithium ion battery (LIB) applications such as portable electronics and electric vehicles (EVs), while the hard carbon can be used in emerging and advancing battery applications, such as sodium ion battery (SIB) for grid electrochemical energy storage and LIB for hybrid batteries in EV with high capacity and good rate capability. The team has demonstrated that both graphite and hard carbon can be produced from pyrolysis biocrudes at laboratory scale and has measured their electrochemical performance in batteries. This work will optimize the range of operating parameters, with a focus on the complex interactions between the chemical changes and the heat and mass transfer characteristics of the reactor and increase the production scale to obtain mass and energy balances that are relevant for modeling commercial potential. The performance of the carbon materials will be evaluated to define their values in commercial systems. Both techno-economics (TEA) and life cycle analysis (LCA) will be performed to understand the economic and environmental impact of the proposed technology. Preliminary revenue analysis suggests diverting 15-25% of the biocrude, essentially all of the heavy and less valuable fraction, into high-value carbons like graphite or hard carbon can significantly improve the profits of a biorefinery and lower the cost of making biofuels. The goal of this project is to optimize and scale-up the process for producing graphite and hard carbon that meet the requirement for LIB and SIB, respectively. Performance specification will be measured, including electrochemical performance under varying conditions (e.g., operating voltage range, current density, and c-rate) using coin-type and pouch cells. We will use a suite of advanced analytical tools to develop a more detailed understanding of 1) how the chemical composition of biocrude and the carbonization process impact the macromolecular ordering of the final products and 2) how the changes in carbon structure influence on the ion storage behavior (e.g., (de)insertion and adsorption/desorption) and subsequent electrochemical performance. In addition to the performance of the carbon materials, we will determine yields in order to close the mass and energy balances of the process. This data will be used to conduct rigorous TEA and LCA models to demonstrate the target FOA metrics such as $3.00/GGE fuel selling price and 60% reduction in emission. Successful completion of the scale up of bio-based graphite and hard carbon production will enable commercialization of these processes and will have an important impact on several sustainable technologies, 1) the low cost biocrude, the bio-based graphite will reduce the cost for LIB that can be used in EVs, 2) the low cost of hard carbon production will enable SIB for energy grid storage and LIB for advanced batteries for EVs, supporting continued growth of PV and wind electricity generation, and 3) commercial production of graphite and hard carbon as biorefinery co-products will improve the overall economics of producing biofuels.
Techno-economic analysis of biorefinery process to produce functional food/cosmetic ingredients and biocomposites.
PI Park will conduct a techno-economic analysis of biorefinery process developed by KRICT. This will involve (1) process model in simulation package, (2) detailed mass and energy balance, (3) discounted cash flow economic model, (4) minimum selling price calculation, and (5) sensitivity analysis.
The overarching goal of this project is to develop a chemical platform based on cottonseed oil to produce functional finishes for cotton apparel. We will evaluate cottonseed oil as the basis for the development of bio-based finishes as an alternative to petroleum-derived fabric finishes such as softeners, cross-linkers, and water repellents. The developed chemistry will be designed to maximize a strong affinity to a cotton substrate and not to hinder the fabric properties such as colorfastness, softness, or strength. This will provide a novel use for cottonseed oil and thus increase its value to the cotton producer and the cotton industry. Cottonseed oil (CSO) is projected to be an excellent starting material to produce softening and durable press (wrinkle resistance) finishes for cotton fibers. This is because refined cotton oil is almost completely composed of triglycerides of polyunsaturated fats (e.g., linoleic acid), which are an ideal platform for derivatization. This proposal proposes routes for converting CSO to reactive species that can be used in functional finishes along with an analytical platform to evaluate the performance of the finishes.
The ultimate goal of this project is to lay the groundwork for manufacturing beyond Earth using in situ resources. To this end, we plan to evaluate Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae as well as a cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus 2973 (S2973) and a heterotrophic bacterium Rhodococcus sp. RPET as additional hosts for their abilities to use three alternative feedstocks (AFs): carbon dioxide/sunlight, plastic waste, and Martian regolith.
The purpose of the Consortium on Sustainable and Alternative Fibers Initiative (SAFI) is to develop fundamental and applied research on the use of alternative and sustainable fibers for the manufacturing of market pulp, hygiene products and nonwovens. The idea for SAFI has grown out of societal needs for alternative yet sustainable materials. SAFI will study the potential of alternative fibers based on technical (performance), sustainable and economic principles.