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Professional Development

As the go-to place for solutions to natural resources challenges, the college routinely trains outside industry, individuals and public entities to become better environmental stewards through community outreach and professional services. Our distance education programs, workshops, short courses, certificate programs, field days and other educational tools will help you gain new skills, advance in your industry and support a more productive, efficient and sustainable future.

Paddleboarding - Professional Development - College of Natural Resources at NC State University

Forest Biomaterials

Professional Development and Continuing Education Courses

Forestry and Environmental Resources

Educational Events

Continuing Education Training Programs

  • ProNR programs include all accredited professional continuing education training events for working professionals in forestry, soils, landscape architecture, wildlife biology, water quality, forest hydrology, aboriculture and forest ecosystems fields.
  • The Southeastern Prescribed Fire Online Training Course prepares participants to conduct a prescribed forest burn. This general knowledge course is the first step for state certification courses.


Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management

Tourism Extension

Continuing Education and Training

  • PRTM sponsors the largest recreation technical assistance and professional service continuing education programs in the U.S., with more than 10,000 people certified in the past 40 years through the national training programs at Oglebay Park in Wheeling, West Virginia. Courses and training include State Park Leadership, Park and Recreation Maintenance Management, Revenue Development and Management, NRPA Director’s and Supervisor’s Management schools.
  • The Recreation Resources Service Continuing Education Programs includes video conferences, webinars, Certified Playground Inspector Course, Park Ranger Institute, Aquatics Workshop, NC Parks and Recreation Directors Conference, Women’s Leadership Conference and educational events.

Youth Programs

Forest Biomaterials

Paper Science Outreach Classes to K-12

  • Schedule a class visit from faculty members to learn more about paper making and recycling. Presentations are geared toward upper-level high school or introductory college science classes and cover the science and environmental issues of using natural materials like wood to build products for society. Email for availability.
  • K-12 Lab Activities and Learning Materials are available as online course and lab manuals. These presentations provide instructions for using common household materials in conveniently quick and engaging educational experiments, such as designing a container to protect an egg, how to recycle paper, converting grass into paper, measuring the strength of paper and more.

Forestry and Environmental Resources

Youth Educational Outreach

  • From the Wildlife Habitat Education program to Forestry Contests to Forestry and Wildlife presentations to Wildlife Projects, the 4-H Forestry and Wildlife program helps students in the 4-H program learn more about sustainability and environmental resources around them.
  • The Project Learning Tree (PLT) program for educators and pre-K to grade 12 students sets the standard for environmental education excellence. PLT helps students learn how to think, not what to think, about the environment and connects kids to nature.
  • The Forest to Classroom (F2C) program connects classroom educators with forest resources in North Carolina. From Sharing What Works to Collaborative Problem Solving, this program gives teachers tools for success.