Ways to Give
A gift to the College of Natural Resources helps students, faculty and programs access boundless opportunities. Learn about the many easy ways you can support us.
Annual Giving
Annual gifts to the college help fill critical gaps in funding not covered by state appropriations. The College of Natural Resources Enhancement Fund provides unrestricted money to support urgent financial needs of our students and the college’s top priorities, such as scholarships, student experiences, research and faculty needs. You can also choose to designate your gift to the college to support specific programs.
Supporting our college through annual giving is easy. Donors can give online via credit card. NC State employees can have their gifts deducted from their paychecks.
Gifts via check should be made payable to the NC State Natural Resources Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charitable foundation. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by the law. Please indicate the name of the fund you’ve chosen on your check.
Mail checks to:
NC State Natural Resources Foundation Inc.
Campus Box 8010
Raleigh, NC 27695
Create an Endowment
Establishing an endowment is the most impactful long-term investment a donor can make in the college. The principal remains invested, the endowment’s annual income is used for the donor’s chosen purpose, providing support in perpetuity. From full-tuition scholarships, to graduate fellowships, professorships and hands-on learning opportunities for students, establishing an endowment can help you fulfill your passion while also providing funds for generations to come.
Learn more about the different types of endowments.
What Your Gifts Do

Planned Gifts
If you want to make a lasting impact on the College of Natural Resources, you may wish to consider a planned gift through a will or trust. This option may be particularly attractive to holders of 401(k), 403(b), IRA and other qualified retirement funds.
Naming the College of Natural Resources Foundation as the beneficiary of a retirement account is a way to prevent leaving hefty tax burdens for heirs.
Here are some of the many ways you can include the College of Natural Resources in your long-term financial planning:
Include the College of Natural Resources in your will, and receive an estate tax deduction.
Charitable Gift Annuity
Provide fixed income for yourself or a loved one.
Charitable Remainder Trust
Create life income for you and your spouse.
Charitable Lead Trust
Pass property and other assets on to your family with substantial tax benefits.
IRA Rollover
Contribute to our work while lowering the income and taxes from your IRA withdrawals.
Learn more through NC State’s Office of Gift Planning.
Noncash Gifts
Although cash gifts are the easiest gifts to value for tax purposes, you can support the College of Natural Resources via a variety of noncash gifts.
Stocks and bonds that have been owned for more than one year entitle the donor to compute the income tax deduction using the market value of the securities on the date of the gift.
Matching Gifts
Many corporations have demonstrated their support for education by matching or multiplying their employees’ gifts to NC State. Ask your employer if they participate in gift matching.
Real Estate Gifts
Gifts of real estate entitle the donor to the same tax benefits as gifts of cash or securities, provided the real estate has been owned for more than one year and there are no debts payable on the property. Gifts of real estate also can generate substantial estate tax savings.
Personal Property Gifts
Art objects, jewelry, and rare books or collections generally can be deducted at the asset’s current market value, provided the property has been owned for more than one year and can be used by a college or program at NC State.
Contact Us
Contact a member of our advancement staff to learn more about giving to the college. Our advancement team fosters relationships with alumni, friends and related industries. Our team of professionals is here to serve you and your interests in the college.