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Student in the field - Strategic Plan 2021-2026 - College of Natural Resources NC State University

Strategic Plan 2021-2026

Through strong academics, research and outreach programs, we create solutions that matter and generate economic value across North Carolina and the nation. Discover more about our strategic vision and future impact.

The Planet is Our Classroom

Our work at the College of Natural Resources has never been more relevant. Communities around the world are waking up to the immense realities of the local and global challenges we all face at the intersection of our environments and society.

The issues our work touches are broad and complex. From the significant rise in forest fires, deforestation, and flooding, to the growing challenges of air and water pollution; from the rapid depletion of natural resources to the need for accelerated innovation to sustainably engineer bio-based materials; from social and environmental injustice to the profound need for inclusive parks and recreation infrastructure and services that contribute to healthier people and communities, and so much more.

Our impact lives in the diverse ways in which we act on these challenges and work collectively to foster healthy ecosystems and communities through our research, education, and outreach.


The College of Natural Resources aspires to build a world in which everyone is welcomed and empowered to explore, protect, and enjoy the full diversity of our environment and our communities, while building justice and sustainability for all.

Student in the field - Strategic Plan - College of Natural Resources


We deliver inclusive and innovative education, research, engagement, and partnerships that empower our students and stakeholders to better our planet, communities, industries, economy and the world.

Students in the field - Strategic Plan - College of Natural Resources
Students in Dr. Steph Jeffries’ (at far left) dendrology class work through a plant identification exercise. Photo by Becky Kirkland.


+ Equity and Inclusion
+ Community
+ Collaboration
+ Innovation
+ Sustainability

Faculty and student in the paper making area - Strategic Plan - College of Natural Resources

Strategic Priorities

Our future-focused strategy is all about taking our work more deliberately out into the world around us to learn from and contribute to the critical challenges impacting our environment and our society. Our three strategic priorities will help us deepen our connection with our environment and our communities to create space where innovation and new solutions grow.

1. Collaboration

Collaborate now to solve urgent challenges at the intersection of the environment, economy and society

Let’s empower collaborative research, learning, engagement, and sharing that contribute to critical solutions toward sustainable environments, and healthy, prosperous communities.

2. Engagement

Engage with our natural environments, industries, and communities as the world’s best classrooms, laboratories and platforms

Let’s nurture spaces and places where industry, community, and academia can come together to innovate a sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous future for all.

3. Community

Take the bold actions to build genuinely equitable and inclusive environments

Let’s center the need for justice, equity and inclusion in all our work, and break down any barriers in learning, research, and knowledge-sharing.

McIntire Stennis - Climate Adaptive Management for Forest Ecosystem Services: An Assessment of Future Forests - College of Natural Resources at NC State

Call to Action:
Collaborate now to build a sustainable and equitable future

About This Plan

This Strategic Plan was developed throughout late 2020 and early 2021 against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 pandemic, widespread protests centered around social injustice, and the 2020 Presidential election.

All of our staff, faculty, and graduate students from across the College of Natural Resources were invited to take part in designing the plan as part of a participatory and equitable strategy design process called a Tidal Equality Wave®. Just over 200 college community members – including graduate students, staff, faculty, volunteers, and alumni – made time to contribute their voices and best ideas to the design of this plan.

This approach empowered us to co-design our vision, values, and strategic priorities, brought new and diverse voices and perspectives to our strategy table, and helped us shape a plan that will have relevance and resonance for years to come.

Download the full plan