Undergraduate Minors
The College of Natural Resources offers a number of sustainability and environmental focused minors. Minors typically require 15 to 18 hours of coursework (5 to 6 classes) Refer to the university policy for additional details.
Environmental Education (15EEDM)
The minor is designed for students who are interested in building environmental literacy in various age group populations. This may be a good fit for students who are interested in careers in museums, parks, nature centers, or formal k-12 education.
View the requirements
Contact the minor administrator: Dr. Kathryn Stevenson
Environmental Sciences (15EVM)
The Environmental Sciences minor allows students to connect their major topics to issues that connect humans to the environment. The minor is interdisciplinary and provides a foundation for analysis of environmental issues.
View the requirements
Contact the minor administrator: Erin A. Champion
Environmental Technology and Management (15ETM)
The Environmental Technology and Management minor provides students with a solid foundation in environmental chemistry, pollution prevention, technology and management systems, environmental regulations, and hands-on environmental assessment. This STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) minor provides a solid foundation for assessing and addressing environmental challenges.
View the requirements
Contact the minor administrator: Dr. Angela Allen
Forest Management (15FGM)
In this minor, students can gain elementary knowledge of forest management, the values of forest resources, and understanding on the importance of sustainable management.
View the requirements
Contact the minor administrator: Dr. Kurt Smith
Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management (15PRM)
This minor is for students who are interested in gaining the basic knowledge of recreation, tourism, and park services and learning about the benefits of leisure and recreation in our society.
View the requirements
Contact the minor administrator: Dr. Keith Howard
Pulp and Paper Technology (15PPM)
The Pulp and Paper Technology minor is focused on papermaking science and technology. This minor is especially valuable for students who are interested in business, scientific, or engineering specialties that may be related to the paper industry.
View the requirements
Contact the minor administrator: Dr. Med Byrd
Renewable Energy Assessment (15REAM)
This minor provides students the opportunity to evaluate and implement renewable energy technologies and provides students the ability to assess facilities and areas for renewable energy production.
View the requirements
Contact the minor administrator:Elizabeth Nichols
Sustainable Materials and Technology (15SMTM)
A SMT minor provides students the basic understanding of sustainability applied to materials (e.g. wood, agriculture products, etc) and the manufacturing processes used.
View the requirements
Contact the minor administrator: Dr. Perry Peralta
Wetland Assessment (15WAM)
This minor is an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental minor that is designed to provide students with basic skills and knowledge needed for entry level competence in the field of wetland delineation and assessment.
View the requirements
Contact the minor administrator: Dr. Marcelo Ardon Sayao
Wildlife Sciences (15WSCIM)
The objective of this minor is to provide students, who might pursue careers in related areas of natural resources management, with basic ecological and management knowledge about wildlife resources.
View the requirements
Contact the minor administrator: Dr. Lara Pacifici