Bailian Li
B.S. Beijing Forestry University (1982)
M.S. North Carolina State University (1985)
Ph.D. North Carolina State University (1989)
Research Interests
Forest genetics and breeding; Quantitative and population genetics; Breeding strategy development; Genetic data analysis and interpretation;
Genetic studies of tree physiology and molecular biology
Office of International Affairs
Area(s) of Expertise
Forest Genetics, Tree Breeding
- Evolutionary Origins of Pseudogenes and Their Association with Regulatory Sequences in Plants , PLANT CELL (2019)
- Ploidy and hybridity effects on leaf size, cell size and related genes expression in triploids, diploids and their parents in Populus , PLANTA (2018)
- Time-specific and pleiotropic quantitative trait loci coordinately modulate stem growth in Populus , PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL (2018)
- Factors influencing direct shoot regeneration from leaves, petioles, and plantlet roots of triploid hybrid Populus sect. Tacamahaca , JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH (2017)
- In Vitro Tetraploid Induction from Leaf and Petiole Explants of Hybrid Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua x Liquidambar formosana) , FORESTS (2017)
- Association genetics and transcriptome analysis reveal a gibberellin-responsive pathway involved in regulating photosynthesis , JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY (2016)
- Association genetics in Populus reveals the interactions between Pto-miR160a and its target Pto-ARF16 , Molecular Genetics and Genomics (2016)
- Dissection of allelic interactions among Pto-miR257 and its targets and their effects on growth and wood properties in Populus , Heredity (2016)
- Genetic architecture of growth traits in Populus revealed by integrated quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis and association studies , NEW PHYTOLOGIST (2015)
- Genetic variations and miRNA-target interactions contribute to natural phenotypic variations in Populus , NEW PHYTOLOGIST (2016)
Funding for the Confucius Institute for the Confucius Classroom at Wake Technical Community College.
Annual proposal to Peace Corp for on campus recruitment
The recruitment project for PeaceCorps volunteers is an important function on the NC State Campus as a mechanism of introducing new undergrads to the unique career opportunities both on and off campus with the skills that are needed to staff PeaceCorps and field programs.
The recruitment project for PeaceCorps volunteers is an important function on the NC State Campus as a mechanism of introducing new undergrads to the unique career opportunities both on and off campus with the skills that are needed to staff PeaceCorps and field programs.
The recruitment project for Peace Corps volunteers is an important function on the NC State Campus as a mechanism of introducing new undergrads to the unique career opportunities both on and off campus with the skills that are needed to staff Peace Corps and field programs.
Our long term goal is to genetically dissect complex traits and to understand the relationship between naturally occurring genetic and phenotypic variation in forest trees. In this study, we propose to use a population genomic approach (association genetics) to study how allelic sequence variation among individuals results in phenotypic differences in whole plant phenotypes and gene expression at the population level. Specifically, we seek to (1) identify all common alleles in a significant number of genes (~5000) controlling wood properties and resistance to disease in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) and make this allele sequence information immediately publicly available through the TreeGenes database and (2) associate allelic variation with phenotypic variation for a subset (~1000) of these genes. These goals will be accomplished by integrating efforts across most major pine genomics programs in the United States. These programs include major gene discovery efforts in xylem and root formation, disease resistance, and response to water deficit. Consequently, this study will also provide future opportunities to associate genetic variation with all tree phenotypes and to evaluate pleiotropic and epistatic gene effects in suites of traits that interact in varied ways.
The recruitment project for Peace Corps volunteers is an important function on the NC State Campus as a mechanism of introducing new undergrads to the unique career opportunities both on and off campus with the skills that are needed to staff Peace Corps and field programs.
The NCSU-Industry Cooperative Tree Improvement Program (ICTIP) has had a significant impact on productivity of forest plantations in the Southern U.S. However, wood properties have not been considered because there are no cost-effective, rapid and reliable methods for large-scale screening of progeny tests. This joint research combines Uinversity of Georgia and USDA Forest Service wood quality research expertise with NCSU on breeding and genetic materials to develop rapid screening methods for genetic improvement of loblolly pine wood properties. The ojectives of this research are: 1. Investigate nondestructive testing technologies and evaluate their usefulness for rapid screening of loblolly pine progeny tests on a large scale; 2. Determine genetic variation of selected wood traits and develop a breeding plan for genetic improvement of wood quality in second generation loblolly pine; and 3. Identify families having high density, low MFA, high stiffness, and dimensional stability.
The NCSU-Industry Cooperative Tree Improvement Program (ICTIP) has had a significant impact on productivity of forest plantations in the Southern U.S. However, wood properties have not been considered because there are no cost-effective, rapid and reliable methods for large-scale screening of progeny tests. This joint research combines Uinversity of Georgia and USDA Forest Service wood quality research expertise with NCSU on breeding and genetic materials to develop rapid screening methods for genetic improvement of loblolly pine wood properties. The ojectives of this research are: 1. Investigate nondestructive testing technologies and evaluate their usefulness for rapid screening of loblolly pine progeny tests on a large scale; 2. Determine genetic variation of selected wood traits and develop a breeding plan for genetic improvement of wood quality in second generation loblolly pine; and 3. Identify families having high density, low MFA, high stiffness, and dimensional stability.
The recruitment project for Peace Corps volunteers has become an important function on the NC State Campus as a mechanism of introducint new undergrads to the unique career opportunities both on and off campus with the skills that are needed to staff Peace Corps and field programs