Ritwick Ghosh
Dr. Ritwick Ghosh studies and teaches environmental governance. In particular, Dr. Ghosh examines the politics, ethics, and practices of using market institutions to address environmental problems on land, such as biodiversity decline, nutrient pollution, and climate change. His work is primarily qualitative and case study based and centered on the role of power and knowledge in shaping environmental policy innovations. Theoretically, Dr. Ghosh contributes to literature in the fields of science and technology studies, human geography, ecological economics, and public administration. He has an international research program, with projects in the US, Europe, India, and South East Asia.
Before joining NC State, Ritwick had a career in economic consulting in Singapore and later with the UNEP initiative The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in New Delhi. Dr. Ghosh has held faculty positions at New York University and the University of Denver and completed a postdoctoral fellowship with the New Carbon Economy Consortium at Arizona State University.
Research Interests
Environmental Policy and Institutions, Conservation Policy, Payments for Ecosystem Services, Carbon and Biodiversity Offsetting, Nature-based solutions
The Politics of influence in biodiversity offsetting, NATURE SUSTAINABILITY, 2024
Historical foundations of green developmental policies: Divergent trajectories in US and France, REGULATION AND GOVERNANCE (2024)
A Fond Farewell to the Anthropocene, ISSUES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (2024)
Evaluating offsetting as a component of biodiversity governance, ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND GOVERNANCE (2024)
Data-driven Governance and Public Accountability: Critical Reflections from US Agri-Environmental Policy, SCIENCE AS CULTURE (2023)
Autonomy for innovation: How street-level bureaucrats shape environmental markets, EUROPEAN POLICY ANALYSIS (2023)
Smart Corruption: Satirical Strategies for Gaming Public Accountability, BIG DATA AND SOCIETY (2023)
Cultivating intellectual community in academia: reflections from the Science and Technology Studies Food and Agriculture Network (STSFAN), AGRICULTURE AND HUMAN VALUES (2022)
Governing Food Futures: Towards a ‘Responsibility Turn’ in Food and Agriculture, JOURNAL OF RURAL STUDIES (2022)
Hybrid Governance and Performances of Environmental Accounting, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (2022)
Overcoming racism in the twin spheres of conservation science and practice, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (2021)
A practice-centered analysis of environmental accounting standards: Integrating agriculture into carbon governance, LAND USE POLICY (2020)
Appetite for Imprecision: The Role of Bureaucracy in Implementing a Pay-for-Performance Program, ANNALS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN GEOGRAPHERS (2019)
Supplying the supply curve: an ethnography of environmental reverse auctions, JOURNAL OF CULTURAL ECONOMY (2017)
PhD Natural Resources Cornell University 2019
MPA Environmental Policy Cornell University 2013
BSc Economics and Statistics Singapore Management University 2007
Area(s) of Expertise
Environmental Governance, Science and Technology Studies, Environmental Sociology, Political Ecology, Public Policy