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Resources for Academic Advisors


  • Navigate is a one-stop student success platform that combines advising tools, resources, and communications to support students during their time at NC State.

Inter-College Transfer Program

Professional Development Opportunities

Award Opportunities

Student Well-Being

  • NC State CARES: Service not only for urgent matters (violence, harassment, etc.) but also for other concerns, such as students who are disruptive or are having erratic behavior; if you are not sure if your situation is appropriate for this service, they prefer for you to submit rather than not!  The website has an excellent Faculty Resource section too.
  • Student Ombuds: “…is here to assist students of the NC State community to resolve problems related to their university working, learning or living experience.”
  • NC State Counseling Center: Hosts workshops and drop-in groups, and also individual counseling sessions.
  • NC State Self-Help resources via Counseling Center:

CNR Contacts for Questions

  • Director of Student Success and Academic Services  Jordan McMican
    Jordan is here to help answer questions you may have about college/university policies and procedures. If she doesn’t know she will figure out who to contact to find out. She is always happy to assist all faculty and staff with questions. 
  • Coordinator of Academic Affairs and Student Support
    Contact our coordinator to process adviser assignments and degree audit revisions.