2019 Outstanding Sport Management Student: Clay Long
Getting to know Outstanding Sport Management Award Recipient: Clay Long
How do you feel about winning this award?
I am extremely humbled and blessed to receive this award. I can not thank all the Sport Management faculty enough for these last four years. Specifically thank you to Dr Edwin Lindsay for being a mentor of mine during my time here at NC State. I can not wait to see what the future holds for me post graduation from this great program.
What made you decide to major in Sport Management?
My first inspiration to major in Sport Management came from the movie Draft Day. I was in awe about how all that worked behind the scenes, and how intriguing it was to think I could do that. Combining this movie, and my love for sports I felt Sport Management was a natural fit for me, and everything I wanted to do in my career going forward.
How and why did you create the HOWL Summit?
About 2 years ago the officers of the Sport Management Club decided to create something that had never been done before for the Sport Management program which became the H.O.W.L. Summit. We wanted to give our students a chance to learn about everything the sport sector has to offer. Through two years of planning we executed this historic event on March 2nd, and 3rd of 2019. This would not have been possible without the club officers, and members who jumped in to help the planning process.

Where do you get your personal motivation?
I feel I get my personal motivation from helping people. I have always wanted to help people, and when I found out I could do that through sports I was sold. The Summit was one of the biggest challenges I have ever faced in my life, and my motivation to make it the best possible event came from knowing how may students we could impact from this event. Not only students this year, but in years to come as we tried to establish something that can last long after this year.
What has been a highlight of your time at NC State?
Throughout my time at NC State there have been a ton of highlights, but for me the one that stands out the most is the summit. To see something that was 2 years in the making come together made me very proud. A ton of people worked really hard to make the event possible, so the fact that we were able to plan it out and execute this historic event is something that I will always remember.
What are your plans following graduation?
Right now my plans are to travel for a bit. On May 17th I will be going on the Europe trip that is offered by the Alumni Association for NC State graduates. Its a 24 day trip that will take us through 9 countries. I am extremely excited to be going on this trip following graduation!
What is your dream job?
My dream job is to one day be a professor for a Sport Management program at the University level. I loved the sport professors here in the program, and without some of them I would not be where I am today. I feel like one of the best ways I can truly impact people is through education, and I know I would love to teach and mentor students during their 4 years to set them up for future success. Just like my professors here have done for me.