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Alumni Spotlight: Keira Moore

Keira Moore, a 2019 NC State Alumni graduated with a Master’s of Textiles and a Certificate in Sport and Entertainment Management which she accomplished while balancing the demands of being an NC State volleyball player. When she arrived at NC State, Keira said it was made clear that her academics should be more important than her athletic performance so throughout her college career, although it was difficult as times, she was able to learn to balance the two. She surrounded herself with like-minded individuals who valued education and sports equally and had friends on and off the team which she says she will be forever grateful.

Keira has since gone on to play professional volleyball in Switzerland where she says, “I am living a life that I never envisioned for myself. Although, volleyball has been welcoming and has been treating me well; I have also acquired a new sense of personal growth and knowledge for a better me!”

A Conversation With Keira…

What made you want to get your graduate certificate in Sport and Entertainment Venue Management?

Originally, my initial plans were to only get my MT (Masters of Textiles). However, I spoke with a man whose daughter completed the program and is now working for Nike. He convinced me I would love this program and it would fit just fine with my MT program. So, I ended up graduating with the SEVM graduate certificate, Masters of Textiles and another graduate certificate in Textile Brand Management and Marketing (which was technically my focus for the MT). It sounds like the programs do not relate but I promise they do!

How was the experience completing the certificate online?

The online experience was great for me. Considering the fact that I was in another graduate program, it provided me a sense of balance. The teachers were great and even when I needed help, I was able to meet them during office hours. They were also very understandable and flexible as there are several people who are completing this program, worldwide.

How do you hope the certificate will help your career?

The knowledge I have received in this program, has heightened my business mindset in several aspects and allowed me to use my athletic experience to propel me through these courses with exceptional comprehension. I hope that this certificate will be able to lead me in the right direction to achieve my long term goals which I discuss below.

How did you become a professional volleyball player and how has the experience been?

I played volleyball for 5 years in college with my last year being at NC State. I never had a plan to play professional volleyball but during my last year I thought “why not”. I was able to find an agent who is partnered with “Elite Volley” which is a volleyball agency. A Swiss team was interested in me after viewing my collegiate film and I took the offer because this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I am living a life that I never envisioned for myself. Although, volleyball has been welcoming and has been treating me well; I have also acquired a new sense of personal growth and knowledge for a better me!

What are your long term career plans?

As mentioned previously, my several graduate degrees may not seem to correlate but I can say otherwise. The SEVM certificate magnified my knowledge on subjects like fiscal management, the creation of sponsorship or simply how to run the operations of an event smoothly.  My plans are to work in fashion but internally. I hope to land a job with an agency or even a popular fashion brand to take their marketing to a new level. Eventually, leading my own team. I want to create a name for myself within the industry as an inspiring and powerful woman who can revitalize a business.