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Graduation to Vocation: Kendall Jane Vaughn is Promoting Golf Gear in North Carolina

Kendall Jane Vaughn will graduate in May 2021 with degrees in parks, recreation and tourism management and professional golf management. During her time at NC State, Vaughn worked for STITCH Golf, a golf gear and apparel company based in Apex, North Carolina.

After graduation, Vaughn will continue to work for STITCH Golf as a sales operations analyst. We reached out to Vaughn to learn more about her time at NC State and her future plans. Check it out below.

How has the College of Natural Resources impacted you and prepared you for your future?

The College of Natural Resources has done so much for me, but the main impact was the family feel it had. I felt as though my professors were invested in my success. I enjoyed the passing conversations and creating new relationships. Having the opportunity to do internships was incredibly helpful and is the reason why I have a job waiting for me after graduation. Job experience in college may be tricky to juggle time-wise, but it is so worth it. 

What’s your favorite memory or class from your time at the College of Natural Resources?

PRT 430: Tourism, Poverty and Health. Duarte Morais taught this class and it’s a class everyone should take. Not because of the fantastic sustainable tourism ideals, but rather for more of an understanding in what really goes on in tourism destinations. The book we read was “Half the Sky” by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. I would recommend it to anyone looking to read something very powerful and moving. 

What is unique about you or your work?

The company I will work for after graduation is the same one I worked for for three years during school. 

What motivated you to pursue your work?

I became very invested in the people I worked with and that was a motivating factor in my decision for work. The people are truly what keep you happy in a “job.”

What advice would you give students entering your major or field?

Don’t be afraid of your professors. They want to know you and they want to see you succeed. Let them.


This post was originally published in College of Natural Resources News.