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Laurel Cavanagh Represents NC State at Sports Industry Networking and Career Conference

A junior in NC State’s department of parks, recreation and tourism management, Laurel Cavanagh attended the Sports Industry Networking & Career Conference (SINC) in Washington, DC last month. Cavanagh is pursing a bachelor’s degree in science with a a major in sport management. Initially hesitant to go, she found the conference to be “perfectly aligned” with a sport management program and got to take in some DC sights.

“It was a great opportunity to network and interview with different companies,” said Cavanagh. “However, the panels for me were one of the best parts including the Sports for Social Good session as all of the panelists were women!”

Women panelists discussing Sport for Good included Anu Rangappa, Monumental Sports & Entertainment; Nicole Murray, Washington Nationals; Sally Nnamani, PeacePlayers; Shanelle Mosley, D.C. United; and Valerie Biberaj, Washington Commanders.

An annual event held each year at George Washington University, SINC is designed for college students and career changers to connect with sport industry professionals to learn more about the industry and network with leaders across a variety of different areas including sport leagues, teams, media, agencies, esports, venues, Olympics and more. This year’s event took place over February 24-25 and Cavanagh was the only student attending from NC State.

PRTM student Laurel Cavanagh
Laurel Cavanagh touring Washington DC during SINC 2023

“People from all over came in to speak on their job and share perspectives on the sport industry. People like Brooks Meek (VP of the NBA) , Pops Mensah-Bonsu, several people from the NFL Players Association, and many more were at the conference speaking on their experience.  The event provided a ton of perspective and inspired a lot of reflection for me.”