PRTM Awards and Honors

Our faculty, students and alumni garnered significant recognition for their accomplishments over the past year. Here are a few highlights from 2019 and 2020:
Erin Seekamp, professor of parks, recreation and tourism management, was named a 2019-20 University Faculty Scholar.
Alumna Teresa Penbrooke served on a multidisciplinary team in the Coastal Dynamics Design Lab that received a 2020 American Society of Landscape Architects Honor Award in Analysis and Planning.
Carla Barbieri, professor of parks, recreation and tourism management, received a Fulbright Scholarship from the United States Department of State.
Aaron Hipp, associate professor of community health and sustainability, was named to the Interdisciplinary Research Leaders 2019-22 cohort by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Jelena Vukomanovic, assistant professor of parks, recreation and tourism management, was named a 2020 TRELIS Fellow by the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science.
Yu-Fai Leung, professor of forestry and environmental resources, received the 2020 Individual Service Award from the Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals.
Candace Vick, associate professor of parks, recreation and tourism management, received the 2020 LEGEND Award from the National Advisory Committee of the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies.
Kimberly Bush, director of undergraduate programs and teaching associate professor received the GPS Analytics Award from the Division of Academic and Student Affairs.
Jonathan Casper, associate professor of parks, recreation and tourism management, received the NC State Outstanding Teacher Award and was inducted into the Academy of Outstanding Teachers.
Myron Floyd, dean of the College of Natural Resources, was named a fellow of the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration.
Annette Moore, teaching associate professor of parks, recreation and tourism management, was named a 2020-21 DELTA Faculty Fellow.
David Moscicki, a Ph.D. student in forestry and environmental resources, received a University Graduate Fellowship.
Claudia Gil Arroyo, a Ph.D. student in parks, recreation and tourism management, received a Wilkinson Graduate Fellowship.
Nicole Benbow, a graduate student in parks, recreation and tourism management, received the Suzie D. Walston and Mac Walston Fellowship.
Victoria Fuda, a student in parks, recreation and tourism management, was named a Social Innovation Fellow.
Lauren Gibson, a Ph.D. student in parks, recreation and tourism management, received a University Graduate Fellowship.
Jae In Oh, a Ph.D. student in parks, recreation and tourism management, received a University Graduate Fellowship.
Jenna Hartley, a Ph.D. student in parks, recreation and tourism management, received a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Scholarship.
Zeynab Jouzi, a Ph.D. student in parks, recreation and tourism management, received the Beth Wilson Doctoral Fellowship.
Hailey Post, a graduate student in parks, recreation and tourism management, received the John and Joan Markham Marketing Award from the Marketing Outlook Forum.
Caitlin Reilly, a graduate student in parks, recreation and tourism management, received the Warren-Wolfpack Graduate Fellowship and is the newest National Recreation Foundation (NRF) Charles E. Hartsoe Fellow.
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