Forest Biomaterials Information
Resources and information for faculty and staff in the Department of Bioresources.
Department Contact Information
- Main Phone Line: (919) 515-2883
- Academic and Student Services: (919) 515-6191
Physical / Delivery Addresses
Mailing Address
Department of Forest Biomaterials
NC State University
Biltmore Hall
Campus Box 8005
Raleigh, NC 27695-8005 USA
Shipping Address
Department of Forest Biomaterials
NC State University
1229 Pulp and Paper Lab
431 Dan Allen Drive
Raleigh, NC 27695 USA
Facilities and Emergencies
- 919-515-2991—Emergency Facilities calls (leaking water, major power outage, etc.)
- 919-515-3000 or 911—Emergency Ambulance/police/fire If you need assistance, please call campus police and emergency services directly and identify which building you’re in (Robertson, Pulp and Paper, or Hodges), room number, and type of emergency.
- Report emergencies to Julie Paradiso, Barbara White, and the Department Head after calling for help.
- Request for maintenance, repair, or equipment training (form)
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Purchase request form: POs, P-card and other purchasing assistance on project funds
- Departmental support form: Request for financial or staff support from department funds, including cost share
- ETF/Engineering Fee support form: Request to purchase educational supplies from ETF or Fee funds
- AP104: Non-employee travel authorization form
- AP107: Non-travel food expense form
- Salary Release or Summer Salary request form (coming soon)
- Cost share request form (coming soon)
Human Resources
- Staff Comp time request form
- Biweekly Temp Employment forms (see below for more information)
- Postdoctoral Hire Request form (coming soon)
- Unpaid Visitor Request form (coming soon)
- Graduate Appointments form (coming soon)
Biweekly Temp Employment Information
Hiring Reminders
- Employees are not to begin work until their appointment is fully approved in the system. You will be notified when your appointment is approved.
- All employees must complete an I-9 before their appointment can be finalized. I-9s are completed in an electronic system. You will receive a request from Perfect Compliance to begin the I-9 as soon as the transaction for your appointment is submitted into the system. Section 1 can be completed remotely by the employee. Section 2 will need to be completed, in person, with an I-9 Representative. Please reach out to to schedule a time to complete Section 2 of your I-9 or visit the Onboarding Center.
- All non-student hires must complete the online application, provide three (3) references, and complete a background check. This process can take more than a week to complete.
- Be aware of your start and end dates. Employees are not permitted to work before the start date or after the end date on their contract.
- Employees are not permitted to work on official university holidays.
- Employees can log hours on only one appointment at a time. If you have more than one appointment, you must clock out from one appointment before you can clock into the other.