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Parks and Recreation Tourism Management

Sign "We Are Hiring" over Three Chairs and One Black Chair - CNR Career Fair - Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management at NC State University

Sep 22, 2020

CNR Career Fair

The CNR Career Fair is Wednesday, September 30th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Because this year’s event is ALL virtual, attendees must plan ahead to schedule meeting appointments BEFORE…

Couple Walking on Greenway in Cary, NC

Sep 16, 2020

Build the Road Ahead: 09.16.20 Day of Giving

Day of Giving 2020 is here. No matter what challenges come our way, no member of the Wolfpack should face them alone. Join us in #GivingPack to our students in…

DASA Needs Volunteers to Help Students in Quarantine

Aug 26, 2020

DASA Needs Volunteers to Help Students in Quarantine

Isolation/Quarantine Student Check In Calls – Employees are needed to call students who have been assigned to isolation/quarantine on a daily basis. Calls can be made from anywhere and it…

Zoom Collage of Diverse People - Social Justice Scholars at NC State Aim to Help Instructors Deepen Diversity - Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management at NC State University

Aug 11, 2020

Social Justice Scholars at NC State Aim to Help Instructors Deepen Diversity

We have witnessed a rise in the Black Lives Matter Movement, fueled by a series of disturbing incidents of racial discrimination that has placed festering social justice issues in the…

Passport, Map & Tourism - The Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism - Parks Recreation and Tourism Management NC State

Jul 29, 2020

The Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism

The world and the tourism industry were forever changed due to COVID-19. Get the latest data on this vital industry and the people who rely on it.

Hunting 101 and Deer Anatomy - PRTM Co-Hosts Workshop: Getting Started Outdoors: Hunting 101 - Parks Recreation and Tourism Management NC State

Nov 8, 2019

PRTM Co-Hosts Workshop: Getting Started Outdoors: Hunting 101

In late October, PRTM Assistant Professor Lincoln Larson and graduate student Torey Vayer co-hosted (with staff from the NC Wildlife Resources Commission and other conservation partners) a “Getting Started Outdoors:…

Sep 13, 2019

Gaining Valuable Experience in the Sustainable Tourism Industry: Meet Alyssa Stroker

Written By Erin Seekamp The Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management (PRTM), which is home to Tourism Extension, helps students gain valuable experiences through its internship program. This summer Alyssa…

May 10, 2019

2019 Outstanding Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management Student: Ellison Lambert

Getting to know Outstanding Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management Award Recipient: Ellison Lambert How do you feel about winning the Outstanding PRT student award? I am beyond honored to have been chosen…

A Group Picture - Graduation to Vocation: Online Masters Crucial to Career in Tourism Marketing - Parks Recreation and Tourism Management NC State

May 6, 2019

Graduation to Vocation: Online Masters Crucial to Career in Tourism Marketing

Taira Landavere will use her online masters in her role as director of marketing for a tourism organization.