Corey Johnson
Corey Johnson is our new Karla A. Henderson Distinguished Professor, the first funded distinguished professorship in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management at NC State’s College of Natural Resources. Johnson comes to NC State from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, where he is a professor in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies. He teaches courses on inclusive social justice, recreation, gender and sexuality, qualitative research methods, and the philosophy of science.
- Ph.D., Recreation and Leisure Studies, The University of Georgia (2002)
- Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research Methods, The University of Georgia (2002)
- Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies,The University of Georgia (2000)
- M. S., Recreation Administration University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1998)
- B. S., Education Bowling Green State University (1995)
Current Research Focus
Johnson’s inquiry focuses on power relations between dominant (white, male, etc.) and non-dominant populations in the cultural contexts of leisure. A qualitative research methodologist, Johnson has co-authored seminal texts such as Fostering Social Justice for Qualitative Inquiry: A Methodological Guide, Promiscuous Perspectives: Sex and Leisure and Contemporary Issues in Leisure. His current funded projects focus on technologically mediated social relations, including decreasing gender-based violence on dating apps like Tinder, Bumble and Grindr.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Filice, E., Johnson, C.W., Parry, D.C., & Oakes, H. (2022). Shades of digital deception: Self-presentation among men seeking men on location-based real-time dating apps. Convergence [epub ahead of print].
Bryan S. R. Grimwood & Corey W. Johnson (2021) Collective memory work as an unsettling methodology in tourism, Tourism Geographies, 23:1-2, 11-32, *Davis, C., Johnson, C.W., *Flannigan, A., Silk, W. (2021). Creating trans affirming health practices locally. Canadian Journal of Sexuality. DOI: 10.3138/cjhs.2021-0013
Rose, J., & Johnson, C.W. (2017). Homelessness, Masculinity and Health: Toward a feminist political ecology of masculinities. Gender, Place and Culture.
Berbary, L.A. & Johnson, C.W. (2016): En/Activist Drag: Kings Reflect on Queerness, Queens, and Questionable Masculinities, Leisure Sciences, DOI:10.1080/01490400.2016.1194791
Mowatt, R. A., Johnson, C. W., Roberts, N. S., & Kivel, B. D. (2016). “Embarrassingly White”: Faculty racial disparities in American recreation, park & tourism programs. Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies & Recreation Education. 31(1), 37-55.
Johnson, C. W. (2014). All you need is love: Considerations for social justice leisure research. Leisure Sciences. 36(8), 388-399.
Johnson, C. W., Singh, A. A., & Gonzalez, M. (2014). “It’s complicated”: Collective memories of LGBTQQ youth. Journal of Homosexuality. 61(3), 419-434. (60%)
Knowledge Mobilization
Johnson, C.W. (2022). Gender, Sexuality, Digitality and Qualitative Research (Video)
Parry, D.C. & Johnson, C.W. (2022). What are Geo-Social Networking applications? (Digital Short)
Parry, D.C. & Johnson, C.W. (2022). Authenticity vs. Desirability: Gay and bisexual men’s self presentation on dating apps (Digital Short)
Published Books
Johnson, C. W., & Parry, D. (2022). Fostering Social Justice through Qualitative Inquiry. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Routledge.
Lashua, B., Johnson, C.W. & Parry, D.C. (2022). Leisure in the time of Covid-19: A Rapid Response. United Kingdom: Taylor Francis.
Johnson, C.W. & Parry, D.C. (2020). Promiscuous Perspectives: Explorations of Sex and Leisure. Los Angeles: Routledge.
Parry, D., Johnson, C.W. & Fullagar, S. (2018). Digital Dilemmas: Transforming Gender and Sexual Identity in Everyday Life. Basingstoke: Palgrave Press.
- How nature-based learning impacts teachers: Discoveries for well-being in and with the project EXPLORE community , Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education (2025)
- "Collecting Loose Change:" Conceptual Clarifications on Bias, Subjectivity, Positionality, Reflexivity, & Autoethnography in Leisure Research , LEISURE SCIENCES (2024)
- A Thousand Catcalls: Survivors' Experiences of Sexual Violence in Online Dating , LEISURE SCIENCES (2024)
- Generating a Rflxveleie AI-Assisted Wrflooklw for Academic Writing , QUALITATIVE REPORT (2024)
- The Guest Editors , JOURNAL OF LGBT YOUTH (2024)
- Transforming Trauma Through Leisure Entanglements: A Feminist Posthumanist Tale of the Body, Energy, Spirit, Earth, and Healing , LEISURE SCIENCES (2024)
- Algorithmic heteronormativity: Powers and pleasures of dating and hook-up apps , Sexualities (2023)
- Can settler memories work against settler colonialism? An application of Collective Memory Work , Tourism Geographies (2023)
- Methodology in Motion: Reflections on Using Appnography for the Study of Dating Apps , QUALITATIVE INQUIRY (2023)
- More equitable moments: The changing nature of leisure for LGBQ minorities , Leisure moments (2023)