Kimberly Bush
Associate Department Head and Director of Undergraduate Programs and Teaching Associate Professor
Biltmore Hall (Robertson Wing) 4012F
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Ph.D. 2002
- Sport and Exercise Education/Pedagogy
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. M.A. 2000
- Education, with Physical Education Teaching Certificate (k-12)
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. M.S. 1994
- Physical Education.
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. B.A. 1992
- Psychology.
Current Research Interests
Dr. Bush’s scholarship is generally sparked by questions that arise from her teaching experiences. Central to her teaching and scholarship is partnering with students to understand issues related to social equity with the goal of developing respect for individuals and the creation of sustainable communities that foster healthy active lifestyles and environmental justice. Dr. Bush is a strong believer in the obligation a land grant institution has to its community. She directly engages NC State students with low income-high minority populations at local schools with the goal of addressing issues of socio-economic status and access to sport and physical activity.
Recent Courses Taught
- Psychological and Cultural Dimensions in Sport
- Sport Administration and Grooming vs Development: Coaching at the Crossroads
- Social Issues in Sport
- Diversity and Inclusion in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
- Sport Administration
- Sport Finance and Economics (Undergraduate and MPRTM)
Selected Publications
Fernandez, M., Lee, J., Larson, L., Johnson, C., Mowatt, R, Bush, K, Robinett, J., Sharaievska, I., Stewart, W. Deepening Diversity: A Collection of Teaching Perspectives and Strategies from Social Justice. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education.
Bush, K., Edwards, M. B., Jones, G. J, Armstrong, M., & Hook, J. L. (2016). Service learning for social change: Raising social consciousness among sport management students. Sport Management Education Journal, 10 (2), 127-139.
Vigo-Valentín, A., Bush, K. & Hodge, S.R. (in-review). Daily physical activity behavior of Hispanic adolescents in Puerto Rico. Submitted to Journal of Physical Activity and Health.
Schwaeger, S., Bush, K.A., Gubacs-Collins, K. (2008). Teaching Instructional Models in Standards Based Physical Education. Pipeline Document for National Association of Sport and Physical Education.
Deglau, D., Ward, P., O’Sullivan, M., Bush, K.A. (2006). Professional Dialogue as Professional Development. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.
Bush, K.A., Leenders, N., O’Sullivan, M. (2004). Implementation of a walking program for urban youth during school hours. Physical Educator.
O’Sullivan, M., Bush, K., & Gehring, M. (2001). Gender Equity and Physical Education: Internationalizing the Issues. In D. Penny (Ed.), Gender and Physical Education. Contemporary Issues and Future Directions. England, Routledge Publishers.
Selected Presentations
International Conferences
Service-Learning in PRTM (with Moore, A.) Presented at the International PhD School, North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC. USA. October, 2017.
Dynamo Fitness. (with Hook, J. L). Presented at the PE Pays Engaging Young People in Physical Activity and Sport International Conference. Limerick, Ireland. June, 2008.
Dynamo Fitness. (with Hook, J.L.). Workshop presented at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland. June, 2008.
Dynamo Fitness. Presentation for Irish Teachers and Coaches, Dublin, Ireland. June, 2008.
Physical Education: A USA Perspective (with O’Sullivan, M., & Gehring, M.). Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association Conference, Leeds, England. September 2001.
National Conferences
Preparing Students to Serve Diverse Populations (with Fernandez, M., Kangjae, J., Larson, L.). Presented at The Academy of Leisure Sciences (TALS) Annual Conference on Research and Teaching. Indianapolis, Indiana. Feb, 2018.
Poster Presentation at The Academy of Leisure Sciences Conference: Service-Learning 2.0: A refresher course with an eye to the future. (with Moore, A.). To be Presented at The Academy of Leisure Sciences (TALS) Annual Conference on Research and Teaching. Indianapolis, Indiana. Feb, 2018.
Bush, K. Creating Inclusive and Respectful Environments- The Role of the Coach and/or Administrator. Presented at NCRPA, November, 2018.
Managing Parent Expectations and Customer Service. Athletic Directors Conference. Durham, NC. October, 2017.
Presented at Applied Sport Management Association Conference. Feb 24, 2017.
Ballhandling Basics. (with Hook, J.L.). Presented at the North Carolina Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance and Sport Management. November, 2016.
Fall Sports Festival: A University/Elementary Field Day Partnership (with Hook, J.L.). Presented at the North Carolina Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance and Sport Management. November, 2015
Impact of a Service-Learning Sport for Development Program. (with Edwards, M., Jones, G., Hook, J.L., and Armstrong, M.) To be presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Pittsburgh, PA., May, 2014.
Online marketing tools for students. (with Harrolle, M., Adair, E., Kelley, K.E.,& Moretz, J.) Presented at the Sport Marketing Association Conference, Orlando, FL., October, 2012.
Active Angels- A Collaborative Girls After School Physical Activity Program (with Hook, J.L., and Kreber, C.) Presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference, San Diego, CA , March, 2011.
Culturally Relevant School Physical Activity Programs and Policies (with Vigo, A., Hersman, B., Hodge, S.R., Ortiz-Castill, E.M. & Sato, T). Presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference, San Diego, CA , March, 2011.
Dietary Behaviors and Physical Activity Patterns for Hispanic Adolescent females (with Vigo, A. and Hodge, S.). Presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference, san Diego, CA, March, 2011.
Engaging the Millennials: New Directions for Developing Student Teachers (with Campbell, M. and Chamblee, M.). Presented at the NASPE Conference on Physical Education Teacher Education. Myrtle Beach, SC, Oct. 2009.
Designing Physical Activity Programs for Puerto Rican Adolescent Females (with Vigo, and Hodge, S.). Presented at the NASPE Conference on Physical Education Teacher Education. Myrtle Beach, SC, Oct. 2009.
Incorporating Technology to Motivate, Instruct, and Promote Your Athletic Teams. (with Hook, J.L). Presented at annual meeting of the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference. Tampa, FL, Mar. 2009.
Instructional Models in Standards Based Physical Education. 8-hour workshop presented for NASPE Pipeline Presented in Kansas. Feb, 2009.
Trends in physical activity and teenage girls; and a historical implication of activity programs. (with Bennett, R). National Association of Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education. Sarasota, FL. Jan. 2009.
Instructional Models in Physical Education. (with Parker, C. and Hook, J.L.). 8-Hour workshop presented for NASPE Pipeline Presented at East Carolina University. July, 2008.
Listening to the Voices of African American Adolescent Females on Physical Activity. Round-table paper presented at The Historic Traditions & Future Directions in Research on Teaching & Teacher Education in Physical Education Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. October 2007.
Sport Education and Gender. (with Wallhead, T., & Hook, J. L.). Poster presented at American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Baltimore, MD. 2007.
Poster Presentation at Applied Sport Management Association: A Comparison of Opinions Regarding the 1990 Colorado 5th Down Controversy between Current Sport Management Students at an NCAA I and an NCAA III Institution (with Zinn, D).
Area(s) of Expertise
Dr. Bush directly engages NC State students with low income-high minority populations at local schools with the goal of addressing issues of socio-economic status and access to sport and physical activity. her focus areas include Social Issues in Sport, Diversity and Inclusion in Parks, Recreation and Tourism, Sport Administration and Sport Finance and Economics.
- An Exploratory Study of a Health and Wellness Intervention on STEM College Students During COVID-19 , RECREATIONAL SPORTS JOURNAL (2023)
- Parental perceptions of the impact of COVID-19 and returning to play based on level of sport , Sport in Society (2021)
- Alt-textbooks and community involvement: Innovation in bringing a course to life , 2016 Academy of Leisure Sciences Teaching Institute (2016)
- Service Learning For Social Change: Raising Social Consciousness Among Sport Management Students , Sport Management Education Journal (2016)
- Broadening and deepening service-learning partnerships , BCUENR 2014 (2014)
- Daily Physical Activity Behavior Patterns of Hispanic Adolescents in Puerto Rico , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH (2014)
- Impact of a service-learning sport for development program , North American Society for Sport Management Conference (2014)
- Online marketing tools for students , Sport Marketing Association Conference (2012)
- "Being in the Zone": Psychological flow among D1 male tennis players , North Carolina Alliance of Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (2011)
- Active Angels- A collaborative girls after school physical activity program , American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference (2011)
The NCAA, along with the ACC, has recognized the growing issue of mental health among student-athletes. Despite the increase in mental health issues, there is a concern that institutional resources devoted to supporting the clinical and psychological needs of student-athletes is lacking. This issue has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected university athletic departments������������������ finances while simultaneously increasing the stress on student-athletes. Although a growing body of research has explored factors behind student-athlete mental health during this pandemic, little research has explored the scope and best practices of mental health services that may be effective in supporting student-athletes. This study will conduct focus groups with 20 sport psychologists and athletic trainers across the ACC Schools to provide both context of current issues facing student-athletes and explore their insights of current initiatives and resources designed to provide the best mental health support during a challenging period.