In the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, we believe that our single greatest resource is our people. We are very proud of the high caliber of our students, faculty and staff, and we are committed to providing them with the support they need to succeed and drive innovation in their fields.

Our People are Our Greatest Asset
Our people are recognized worldwide for their cutting-edge research of systems and issues that impact landscapes, populations, economics, policies, and industries on local and global scales. For over 85 years, our people have been leaders in the field of forestry and land management. Today, our research teams are cross-disciplinary and are often comprised of experts from a variety of fields within Forestry and Environmental Resources, the broader College of Natural Resources, other colleges at NC State and representatives from government agencies, the private sector, industry or other universities.
Our people disseminate knowledge to the people and communities of North Carolina through Extension and Outreach services. Our outreach programs cover forestry practices, wildlife management, fisheries and aquatics, natural resource management and environmental sciences. Our experts lead continuing education classes, workshops, conferences and stakeholder meetings, and facilitate public engagement in informed decision-making about forestry and natural resources issues.
Get to know our undergraduate, graduate and international students.